Lochlan and Saxon Ratliff on ‘The White Lotus’ season three.

The Biggest Predator On ‘The White Lotus’ Isn’t Who You Think It Is

In the morning, the brothers are shown wearing each other's shorts from the night before. They have literally swapped places.


This season of The White Lotus is full of secrets and everyone in the Ratliff family seems to have one. A Reddit theory argues that although older brother Saxon appears to be the most nefarious Ratliff child, youngest child Lochlan is actually the predator and true villain of the series.

Lochlan and Saxon.

Does this theory carry any weight? I think it does. Here’s why.

1. Lochlan’s clothing hints he attacks stealthily.

Both brothers dress just like their dad in blue shirts at the start of the season.

Saxon dresses just like his dad showing that he blindly follows in his father’s footsteps. But Lochlan, who started the first episodes also wearing identical outfits to his dad, changed into an alligator shirt in Episode 4. Alligators rely on stealth and camouflage, moving quietly through the water with just their eyes and nostrils visible. They patiently blend into their surroundings and wait to strike, suggesting Lochlan might be preparing for his own unexpected move.

Lochlan’s style changes, but Saxon’s remains the same.

This symbolism is reinforced in the show’s opening credits, which show an alligator stealthily attacking a white bird. It also curious how a reptile breaks into Belinda’s room in Episode 5.

2. The “Full Moon Party” episode emphasizes role reversal.

Lochlan and Saxon kiss.

So far this season, the show has implied Lochlan has incestuous feelings toward his older brother. In Episode 5, Lochlan and Saxon take drugs together, and after Chloe and Chelsea dare them, Lochlan kisses Saxon. In Episode 6, it’s revealed that Lochlan began stimulating Saxon with his hand while his brother appeared to be passed out. Saxon wakes and is deeply disturbed by the events of the night.

Throughout the night, Saxon appears significantly more intoxicated than his brother and some fans even noticed Lochlan might have spit out his drugs earlier in the evening.

Is Lochlan spitting out the drugs?

Saxon previously admitted to hooking up with drunk girls while he stayed mostly sober. Now, it’s Lochlan who’s (potentially) sober, initiating a kiss with Saxon, reversing their usual roles. This dynamic is especially significant when contrasted with Rick’s conversation with his old friend, who describes shifting from wanting to dominate women sexually to wanting to be a woman being dominated himself. In this episode, the previously aggressive brother becomes passive, while the passive one takes control.

Lochlan warns Saxon.

Earlier that night, Lochlan also warned Saxon directly, “One day, I’m going to take you down.” This is an explicit callout in the screenplay that a role reversal is happening, and Lochlan is taking charge in a way that seems sinister in how he says it and in his other actions throughout the night. We can’t forget Lochlan peer-pressured Saxon into taking the drugs at the start.

In the morning, the brothers are shown wearing each other’s shorts from the night before. They have literally swapped places.

3. Lochlan is also referred to as the magician.

Chloe repeatedly calls Lochlan “the little magician.” In Tarot, the Magician represents someone who is powerful enough to realize their desires. This nickname underscores how the night’s events align perfectly with what benefits Lochlan. The Magician card symbolizes manifesting plans from thought into action – exactly how Lochlan orchestrates the evening.

Of course, this is just a fan theory. Lochlan’s behavior was pretty opaque in Episode 6 and the audience isn’t privy to his motivation or reaction to the Full Moon Party events. We’ll have to see how Mike White continues this storyline through the remaining two episodes of the season.