Love is Blind season 8 hits Netflix on Valentine’s Day!

All The Women From ‘Love is Blind’ Season 8 (With Photos)

The new ladies of Love is Blind.


Love is Blind is a Netflix dating show that follows contestants as they date “blind” — in special pods that allow them to get to know their dates without seeing what they look like. Only after getting engaged do couples meet face to face, and the show follows them as they move in together and prepare to potentially wed. The eight season of the show is due out on Valentine’s day on Netflix.

Here’s Netflix’s trailer for season 8:

And here is the female cast:

(View the male cast members here.)

Amanda Burke

Amanda from Love is Blind season 8.

Age: 43
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Occupation: District Retail Manager
Where you can find her on social media: Instagram
Bio: “Seeking an organic, real-life meet-cute, Amanda has swiped left on dating apps for the last time. “I think sometimes my age can be a factor,” she says. At 43, Amanda is the oldest single entering the pods, but she’s far more concerned with emotional maturity. In her eyes, nothing is more attractive than a guy who can tell her exactly how he feels. “Somebdy who can’t communicate is definitely an ick for me,” she says. Honesty may even earn her suitor a slice of something scrumptious since Amanda enjoys baking sourdough bread for those she loves. Will any man in the pods be able to rise to Amanda’s standards and leave no crumbs?”

Ashley Sutten

Ashley from Love is Blind season 8.

Age: 28
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Occupation: Client Success Manager
Where you can find her on social media: Instagram and TikTok
Bio: “Ashley has been told that she’s “a bit too much” in past relationships, so any future partner needs to love her zest for life. “I am not willing to sacrifice my excitability,” she says. “I really just want a partner that can embrace that fully.” Ready to see beauty in life’s simplest moments, Ashley hopes to spend the rest of her days with someone who’ll catch every sunset and walk around the city snapping photographs. If Ashley finds a self-assured, expressive guy, she’ll lock him down at shutter speed, sight unseen. “I’d like a secure man,” she says. “You’ve got to be confident with what you got. I don’t care if you are shorter than me or anything, just do it with confidence.””

Brittany Dodson

Brittany from Love is Blind season 8.

Age: 35
Zodiac sign: Aries
Occupation: Partnership Executive 
Where you can find her on social media: Instagram and TikTok
Bio: “Sports lover Brittany says her openness to new experiences prompted her to make the big move to Minneapolis. Ideally, she’d like to match with someone who’s just as curious and game to swing for the fences. “I’m looking for a very confident man,” she says. “I want them to kind of have their own little thing and be able to teach me some things.” If that includes how to be on time, all the better, as she admits she struggles with punctuality. But as a successful businesswoman who’s worked with the NBA, NFL, and MLB, in addition to playing and coaching Division I college basketball, she’s clearly a pro who has mastered quite a few things on her own.”

Casandra Barron

Casandra from Love is Blind season 8.

Age: 30
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Occupation: Hairstylist
Where you can find her on social media: Instagram and TikTok
Bio: “For Casandra, a good sense of humor is the ultimate green flag, which should come as no surprise as she was named after a character in Wayne’s WorldWay! In addition to witty banter, she’s looking forward to getting vulnerable in the pods with a future partner. But time with her “good group of girls” comes first, so just as the Spice Girls once wisely sang, if you wanna be Casandra’s lover, you gotta get with her friends. When it comes to boxers or briefs, we don’t know if she has a preference … as long as whatever the guy is wearing gets the job done. “My biggest ick is when you see the top of a guy’s butt crack,” she says. “I can’t handle that.””

Kylie Shuelke

Kylie from Love is Blind season 8.

Age: 28
Zodiac sign: Virgo
Occupation: Medical student
Where you can find her on social media: Instagram and TikTok
Bio: “Med student Kylie is determined to heal some lonely hearts. “One thing that’s really unique about the pods is, everybody’s here to get married and find their someone,” she says. “I’m here to find my husband.” When she’s not wearing a white coat, Kylie can usually be seen sporting the latest fashion trends, which are responsible for her overflowing closet. But she’s more than willing to clean up her shopaholic act and make room for the right guy. The one thing she won’t give up, however, is her faith. “I am a very religious person, so I’m looking for somebody who [also] has those traditions and is willing to share them with me and raise a family.””

Lauren O’Brien

Lauren from Love is Blind season 8.

Age: 31
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Occupation: Educational Sales
Where you can find her on social media: Instagram and TikTok
Bio: “Coming from a big Irish Catholic family with 80 first cousins, Lauren has always wanted to start one of her own. But her recent relationships never seem to make it past the six-to-nine-month mark, leaving her eager to find a connection to last a lifetime. As a former teacher, Lauren is primed to be a star student in the pods. “I ask a lot of questions and really like to get to know people,” she says. But she tends to be an overthinker and processor, which could get in the way of her decision-making. “I just like to know what’s going on and how people are feeling, which can be a little bit too much sometimes, she says. However, if any of her suitors are too invested in their personal appearance — or hers for that matter — then the choice to move on will be simple. “It just comes off very arrogant, and I can pick up on that.””

Madison Errichiello

Madison from Love is Blind season 8.

Age: 28
Zodiac sign: Leo
Occupation: Artist
Where you can find her on social media: Instagram and TikTok
Bio: “Madison’s most consistent relationship has been with her beloved French bulldog, Henri, — and, yes, he has his own Instagram account. But now this artist is looking to fill in the blank canvas of her love life with a guy who matches her “goofy girl” energy —  bonus points if he can roll up his sleeves and join her in the studio. And, if that’s not exactly his speed, then there’s always room on the back of her motorcycle. But don’t expect Madison to fall for just anyone in the pods, as she’s proud of “never settling for anything less” than she deserves, which includes men with “long fingernails and mommy issues who cheat and don’t like spicy foods.” If you can’t always reach her, don’t take it personally. “I’m really bad at texting,” Madison says. “Sometimes my friends are like, ‘Did you pass away? Because I haven’t heard from you in two weeks.’”

Meg Fink

Meg from Love is Blind season 8.

Age: 31
Zodiac sign: Libra
Occupation: Oncology nurse
Where you can find her on social media: Instagram and TikTok
Bio: “Put free-spirited Meg in a box and you’ll miss out on all she has to offer. As an oncology nurse, work comes first, but she’s also a self-described goof who can be a “little bit air-headed” from time to time. “I miss my exit nearly every day when I drive to work, and [I tend to] lose my phone or just forget to plug it in,” she says. With a demanding career, dating has been nearly impossible, but after two years of the single life, Meg is making finding love a priority. In the pods, she’s willing to go deep, but if her energy isn’t reciprocated, then it’s on to the next one. “My biggest ick is somebody who doesn’t ask questions back,” she says. But if he values humor and heart in equal measure (and doesn’t mind taking charge in the kitchen), then Meg is ready to take a leap of faith.”

Molly Mullaney

Molly from Love is Blind season 8.

Age: 30
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Occupation: Executive Assistant
Where you can find her on social media: Instagram and TikTok
Bio: “Self-made Molly is proud of purchasing a home all on her own where she plans to spend Christmases to come with her forever person. Eager to share her tree-decorating traditions, she brought a special ornament into the pods in hopes of gifting it to her future husband. A go-getter from an early age, the former Minnesota Timberwolves cheerleader paid for a portion of her college tuition with funds won from lip sync battles she competed in throughout her childhood. Now, Molly is in the market for a hype man who will back all her scene-stealing performances in her day-to-day life. “If I’m out on the dance floor, they have to be cheering me on in the corner, or out there dancing with me,” she says. Boys who are embarrassed easily, please exit stage left.”

Monica Danus

Monica from Love is Blind season 8.

Age: 28
Zodiac sign: Aries
Occupation: Digital Marketing
Where you can find her on social media: Instagram and TikTok
Bio: “Family-oriented Monica is searching for a guy to join her tribe. “I want my partner to feel like another family member,” she says. “I am my most authentic self with my mom, dad, and sister, so finding someone who adds to that dynamic is more than I could ask for.” Monica says her loved ones would describe her as “secretly really weird,” so anyone who makes it past the pods must accept her tendency to talk to herself and not violate her list of extremely specific icks. “Shoes are an ick to me,” she says. “If you have dirty New Balances that are bright blue, I’m sorry, but we got to work on it.” After deleting her dating apps, Monica hopes the pods will work their magic and help her land a guy who loves her — and the experimental recipes she whips up in the kitchen.”

Sara Carton

Sara from Love is Blind season 8.

Age: 29
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Occupation: Oncology nurse
Where you can find her on social media: Instagram
Bio: “Sara once typed the entire alphabet in three and a half seconds, but she’s still figuring out the ABC’s of love. After a year of being single, this oncology nurse is searching for a goal-oriented guy who looks on the sunny side of life — and if he happens to laugh at her jokes from time to time, that wouldn’t hurt either. The “small town vibe” of Minneapolis hasn’t exactly helped Sara’s hunt for a life partner because it feels like everyone already knows (or has dated) everyone else. Genuine connections with guys who don’t need fixing are paramount, as she spends plenty of time taking care of others at her day job. When she’s off duty, Sara spends her time playing Call of Duty, so her future husband better level up his skills before their wedding day.”

Taylor Haag

Taylor from Love is Blind season 8.

Age: 32
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Occupation: Colonoscopy nurse
Where you can find her on social media: Instagram
Bio: “Attention, Lindsay Lohan: Taylor is ready to star in her own Christmas rom-com. “The thing I’m most excited to do with my partner is decorating our Christmas tree together,” she says. “I could cry just thinking about it.” Finding a “genuine, loyal, caring, adventurous, and funny” man in the pods would be the biggest gift Taylor could receive. “If you can make me laugh, the rest is history,” she adds. And, for the record, reindeer hooves are the only ones she wants to see, as guys who wear flip-flops are a major turn-off. After losing herself in past relationships, Taylor feels like she’s ready to “love fearlessly and wholeheartedly” once again — and hopefully her future husband won’t mind her caroling all year round. “I sing a lot of sentences for no reason,” she says. “So that might get annoying.””

Tiera Wright

Tiera from Love is Blind season 8.

Age: 34
Zodiac sign: Gemini
Occupation: Marketing strategist
Where you can find her on social media: Instagram and TikTok
Bio: “Sure, looks aren’t everything, but if a Michael B. Jordan lookalike with a “gentle” spirit is waiting in the pods, then Tiera calls first dibs. As someone who is “very traditional and prefers the old ways” of dating, she’s recently ditched the apps in hopes of meeting her future husband IRL. But the dating pool feels almost dried up, especially when it comes to finding a man who supports her career. “I’m most proud of going back to school to get my MBA at my dream university,” Tiera says. “It took me five years to make it a reality and I just didn’t give up.” Entering the experiment, Tiera is stepping far outside of her comfort zone, but there’s one thing that she won’t compromise on. “My faith is very important to me,” she says. “It’s not something I can sacrifice for love.””

Vanessa Boreland

Vanessa from Love is Blind season 8.

Age: 31
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Occupation: Media planner
Where you can find her on social media: Instagram and TikTok
Bio: “To impress this classically trained ballerina, your dating skills better be on point(e). Heading into the experiment, Vanessa is hoping to cross paths with a guy who embraces all of her passions — from dancing and horseback riding to camping and spontaneous road tripping. “My perfect partner is somebody who’s always down to try something new and go along with my crazy whims,” she says. Choosing men based on physical appearance hasn’t yielded the kind of love Vanessa has wanted all her life, so she’s open to all connections in the pods. Well, almost all. “The only thing I’m not willing to sacrifice for love is my dogs,” she says. “I can’t live without them.””

Virgina Miller

Virginia from Love is Blind season 8.

Age: 34
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Occupation: Healthcare recruiter
Where you can find her on social media: Instagram and TikTok
Bio: “Adventurous Virginia is the type to enter a marathon on a whim, but she hasn’t found the right guy to meet her at the finish line. In past situationships, this doctor’s big heart has led her astray, but now she’s done pouring into others if they aren’t filling her cup first. “Still showing up and wanting love is my hugest accomplishment because it’s really easy to become jaded,” she says. A patient and faith-driven guy who “wants to go the long haul” will immediately attract her attention. But if “really arrogant and self-centered men” are waiting on the other side of the pods, then this former cheerleader won’t hesitate to show them the D-O-O-R. “

Yemi Ajagbe

Yemi from Love is Blind season 8.

Age: 30
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Occupation: Product sales manager
Where you can find her on social media: Instagram and TikTok
Bio: “Yemi hasn’t had much luck in the dating scene, leaving her to wonder if her future husband can even be found in either of the Twin Cities. Meeting new people has been hard, especially because she feels that Midwestern guys can be hesitant to make the first move. “Men just aren’t very forward here, so I don’t get approached very often. It might have to do with the fact that I’m a little intimidating,” she says. Yemi’s independence, success, and drive have helped her climb the corporate ladder, but haven’t done wonders for her love life. That’s why an “ambitious guy who allows [her] to feel comfortable and helps [her] grow” is who she’s hoping to fall for in the pods. But if he has a vulgar sense of humor or bad manners, then a second date is off the table.”

The first six episodes of Love is Blind are available on Netflix on Friday, Feb. 14.