
13 Men Describe What They Love About Kissing A Woman

"Are they creative? Are they boring? Sensual? Playful? I love discovering who they are."



1. “It’s like a window into a girl’s personality. Everyone kisses differently so experiences how someone kisses is a physical expression of what kind of person they are. Are they creative? Are they boring? Sensual? Playful? I love discovering who they are.” — Ben, 28

2. “I like how you can really tell how they feel about you in that moment. They might be playing hard to get or be shy in general, but when you’re kissing and they grab you and they’re really passionate, you just feel really wanted. It’s the best feeling.” — Erik, 22

3. It’s just such an intimate act, and it feels so much sweeter than sex. It’s a more pure way to say “I really like you.” — Jonathan, 25

4. “I always love being touched by a woman. I love her being so close and smelling her, and the way her touch is so soft.” — David, 26

5. “There’s something about kissing and biting a girl’s lips — I like feeling her react to me. I like the little sounds she makes. It’s a little preview of sex.” — Justin, 26

6. “To be honest, I’m generally thinking about where the kiss is going than enjoying kissing on it’s own, indefinitely. That said, it’s completely love to be enveloped by her and her feminine body and to anticipate all the other places she’s going to kiss me.” — Matthew, 24

7. “I like it because it’s her showing me that she likes me instead of telling me.” — Drew, 20

8. “I love it when a woman takes control and like, grabs a fistful of my hair. Being pleasantly surprised by a girl who seemed like a good girl is the best.” — Josh, 32

9. “If she molds her kissing style with mine I know the sex with her is going to be awesome. This anticipation is exciting, I love that.” — Chris, 21

10. “I love how I can tell what mood she’s in by the way she kisses.” — Michael, 27

11. “Kissing is more emotional, it’s more about feeling like I really like her. Sex can be overpowered by physical desire, so kissing is enjoyable because you can focus on those feelings.” — Zak, 26

12. “Talking about how you feel is boring, kissing communicates that, but it’s way more fun.” — Danny, 21

13. “I would rather show someone how I feel about them than express myself through words. I love kissing my girlfriend because I think I accomplish this. I like to stroke her hair and kiss her lips and forehead and make her feel loved.” — Matthew,24 Thought Catalog Logo Mark