What You Need To Overcome In Order To Find Love, According To Your Zodiac Sign

Ángela Burón
Ángela Burón


(March 21st to April 19th)

Aries are confident and gregarious. They thrive on challenges and draw people to them with their charm. The downside of this is that they sometimes steamroll their partner, especially if they are with a quieter, less short-tempered sign.

An Aries might wonder why their relationships seem to end so suddenly, when they thought things were going (mostly) well. To reverse this trend, they need to learn to be quiet and listen sometimes. Master the art of deep listening. Take time to really hear what your partner is saying about their needs and slow down long enough to make sure you are giving it to them. Try to walk together instead of always leading.


(April 20th to May 21st)

Taurus is a sign that’s always being made aware of it’s major flaw: stubbornness. It’s something we associate with Taurus people more often than all their gifts: they make incredible friends. They are loyal, interesting, generous and deep people. When they are with someone, they are truly a partner in every sense of the word.

But yes, they are overly stubborn and hate when they have to give up their independence. And they can be lazy. In order for a Taurus to find love, they have to decide that they really want it and then appeal to their finely-tuned logic to understand that if it’s something they want, they have to open up to it. Other people are not the enemy. They are not trying to steal something from you or make your life more inefficient. Those are just normal bumps in the road and you have to decide it’s worth it — or be content being single.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

Geminis are energetic and imaginative. They never lose their sense of childlike wonder and are happy to be constantly learning and discovering new things about the world.

But I can’t overstate how much Gemini’s struggle with commitment. It’s not because they are bad people, it’s just that it’s harder than usual for them to figure out what they want. How can you commit to something if you aren’t sure you will want it tomorrow?

For a Gemini to find love, they have to tackle their restlessness. A good way to do this is to make sure an adventurous spirit is on your “have to have” list. Focus on finding someone who has as much wanderlust as you — for whom commitment doesn’t mean slowing down but having a partner to move with.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

A Cancer will be the best boyfriend or girlfriend you will ever have, as long as they don’t smother you to death in the process. They are incredibly love, romantic, and generous with their time, money, and heart. They will try their hardest to make sure their partner is happy and feels loved at all times.

However, every Cancer needs to spend time working on themselves and maturing before they get into a relationship. If they jump in before they have learned to be confident in themselves, they are insecure and overly needy when it comes to the praise and affection of their partner. And when they don’t get it, they sulk instead of communicating.

It’s really only because a Cancer gives so much of themselves in a relationship that they need to take this extra time to make sure they are ready to be healthy in one. They don’t casually date and so the intensity of their love requires pre-work.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

Leos are creative and driven. They are generally smarter than average and typically become successful, even if they plug away behind the scenes for a long time beforehand. What Leos struggle with is getting the recognition they need for their talents. Because of this, they prefer relationships to being single, even if they relationship leaves much to be desired.

A Leos biggest love obstacle is holding out and not settling. They need to surround themselves with a support system of friends and family who validate them and make that be enough until they find someone truly worth building a relationship with.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

Hardworking and practical, Virgos make great partners for almost anyone. People like to have them in their life because they always add value to it by being the one who will make plans, find the best restaurants, fix your budget — figure out how to maximize every area of life.

The main problem Virgos have in love is getting out of their shell and comfort zone long enough to meet the right person. It’s easy for a Virgo to get into a routine and be perfectly happy to do the same things with the same people. But love requires work and vulnerability. Find an extroverted Gemini or Aries to introduce you to some new activities — and potential love interests.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

Gracious and diplomatic, Libras almost always possess a high social IQ. They are incredibly skilled at making and keeping relationships — so why do they struggle with finding The One?

They dislike confrontation and can carry a grudge.

This is a good quality disquised as a bad quality, they simply want their relationship to be harmonious. Libras need to learn that in order to be happy, they need to bite the bullet and confront issues head on. Don’t let it build up until you are past the point of no return. Those conversations will never be as hard in real life as you think they will be in your head, and you’ll save yourself a lot of time and frustration.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

Scorpios are the kind of people that tend to be either loved or hated — rare is the person who has lukewarm feelings about a Scorpio. Confident and passionate, they are champions of the people they love (and feared by the people they hate). They also tend to be the best sex partner in the Zodiac.

Scorpio’s fatal relationship flaw, however, is this same passion. They can be jealous, obsessive and manipulative. They need to be right, they need to win every argument, they need to be not just loved but revered by their partner. It can be a bit much.

In order to move forward and find a healthy, lasting relationship they need to focus on finding someone who will balance out their personality — not challenge it. Fellow water signs Pisces and Cancer are a good place to start. They have no issues opening up and being vulnerable, so there’s no need for a Scorpio’s jealousy to make an appearance. The Scorpio will feel secure in the love they are receiving, and meet their potential as a partner.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

A Sagittarius will generally be the funniest person in their social circle, so they don’t have a problem attracting people into their lives. They are fun-loving and adventurous but without the normal accompanying flaw of being restless and unhappy when they aren’t constantly stimulated.

The problem is that along with this humor and outgoing-ness can be a lack of tact that puts people off — especially between Sagittarius men and women from more sensitive signs. It’s far too easy for a well-meaning Sagittarius to hurt someone without meaning to. What’s fair game for them, is too far for others.

They either need to wait around for someone with thick skin, or learn to increase the amount of assurance and affection they give their partner so that these minor misunderstandings don’t keep ending potentially good relationships.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

Capricorns are independent and adept. People like them because they are smart and usually pretty successful in life. They know how to work hard and achieve what they want to.

In love, however, they are less adept. They can be cold and nagging and frankly, dating a Capricorn can get quite boring. They need to learn how to be more imaginative, more open, and less inhibited. When in a relationship, consider keeping the spark alive part of the work of being successful there — treat it like a business opportunity and schedule exciting dates and nights to try new things with your loved one.


(January 21st to February 18th)

Smart, funny, and completely original, Aquarians are compelling individuals. They lead non-profits, become politicians, write life-changing books — they inspire everyone else to be better. But this doesn’t make them good at relationships.

Aquarians are their own biggest obstacle on the road to love. They dislike emotional expression and can feel trapped in the confines of commitment. In order to get a relationship to work, they need to be with someone who won’t smother them — who will encourage them to be as individual and independent as they desire (and won’t feel insecure about it).

An Aquarian should only be willing to date other deeply individual and independent people. They should select deep-thinkers who are too wise to be thrown off by the lack of affection that might accompany an important work project, or an election. A Sagittarius or a Gemini will solve this problem.


(February 19th to March 20th)

Compassionate, loving, and devoted Pisces are a sought after partner — when they are bold enough to make other people realize how valuable they are. While they possess a myriad of qualities that make them desirable, they can also be shy and meek and those qualities go unnoticed.

To find success in love, all a Pisces needs to do is resolve to have a little more courage and a little less patience. Learn the art of a good brag once in awhile. Don’t let people pass you up for the very fixable reason that they just haven’t heard how great you are. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Chrissy Stockton

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