The Bachelor

Ranking The Women On This Season Of ‘The Bachelor’ Week 6: Ben Immediately Regrets His Decision

I'm going to adopt one of those piggies.


What an episode! This week Ben said goodbye to FOUR of the women competing for his heart — one while he was HOLDING A ROSE and after she confessed that she was in love with him. Jesus Ben, cruel much?

PS how CUTTTTEEEE were these lil piggies

The Bachelor
The Bachelor

We also discover that the series is going to end with some batshit antics on the part of our Bachelor. It looks like in the middle of the final rose ceremony Ben dismisses one of the finalists with the intention to propose to the other one — AND THEN — regrets his decision and makes up his mind to propose to the one he let go of (or someone else? maybe the 3rd from the end girl?). Whatever happens, it will be awesome TV.

Ben dismissing the wrong girl like:


Here’s a ranking of how all the women did this week, from least to most likely to make it to the end:

Our Fallen Comrades


The Bachelor
The Bachelor

Leah became unhinged this week, but with a pretty good reason. Ben invites Caila on another one-on-one date and the writing was on the wall: Ben does not want to get to know Leah. She was filler until the time came for her to be eliminated. To her credit, she ended up calling him out on it and getting eliminated on her own terms.

Loved this iconic line in Bachelor history: “I feel foolish, but I think Ben is a fool for letting me go.”


The Bachelor
The Bachelor

I was a fan of Olivia going into the first episode. I always like the girls who aren’t the cookie cutter bubbly dental assistant who can’t wait to be a housewife and mom. I liked her less as the show went on — how much of her antics were her playing it up for the cameras and editing, I can’t say, but I’ll never be a fan of someone who’s intentionally mean to others. I get that you want to have conversations about books, Olivia, but that’s not a mutually exclusive desire with being able to bond with someone over something vapid like nail polish. When you’re a smart person, you can find anything interesting. You don’t need people to meet you up in an ivory tower.

I think Olivia should stay in Bachelor Nation, she can be like Chris Harrison’s assistant or something.


The Bachelor
The Bachelor

No one really noticed that Jennifer went home because no one really realized someone named ‘Jennifer’ was on this show.

Lauren H

The Bachelor
The Bachelor

Bye Lauren H! Have fun teaching Kindergarten!

Still working on becoming Mrs. Higgins


The Bachelor
The Bachelor

What is Emily’s OBSESSION with Olivia? It’s super bizarre. She keeps talking about Olivia’s Teen Mom comment but realistically, Amanda is a young mom who was talking about the drama she has with her kid’s father — how would that not remind you of a TV show about young moms who talk about the drama they have with their kid’s fathers? Not to mention that this has nothing to do with Emily who is neither Amanda nor a teen mom (or a mom of any kind).

This would maybe be fine if Emily had some other kind of personality to fall back on, but who is she? The only ways she presents herself are as a twin (???) and as someone who is “not smart enough” to answer whatever question the producers are asking her in the voice-overs.

I realize Olivia was going a bit crazy, but I still can’t fathom choosing Emily over her — or literally (and I really do mean literally) anyone else. Go home Emily!


The Bachelor
The Bachelor

What the FUCK happened to Caila this week? She was my top pick to win and then I guess what happened is she never really talked before and when she finally opened her mouth the shit she said was so needlessly complicated and unaffirming that she fell to the bottom of the rankings this week. Ben wanted to know that Caila was more than a bubbly facade and when he asked her to open up a bit she just… wouldn’t? Maybe she was playing hard to get? Who knows.


The Bachelor
The Bachelor

Amanda really came out as a mean girl this week. I think she’s an ISTJ and like the kind of woman who nags at the people in her life constantly because her vision of what she wants is so specific and particular, but because she does it in her teeny tiny baby voice (and because she’s so beautiful) you never notice that you’re slowly descending into a passionless and exhausting existence. But like, if you look closely at the (numerous) couple selfies a girl like this posts on insta you can tell her beau has dead eyes and hates everything about what he has become.


The Bachelor
The Bachelor

There was a weird moment on the group date when Ben seemed to be telling Jojo she’s his go to girl in terms of being the most understanding and least dramatic. Which is a blessing and a curse. Obviously it’s great to be favored in a competition like this but it sucks when a guy is like “you’re not dramatic like other girls” as a way to get you to be “cool” with doing dumb shit like dating a bunch of other girls in front of you or making you swim with pigs.

Also loved when Jojo was like “this is like a bar in Dallas” re: all the pigs on the group date. 😂


The Bachelor
The Bachelor

I have a theory that Becca is the girl at the end that Ben plans to propose to and then realizes he shouldn’t. Here’s why: in order for Ben to make this mistake it seems like the situation will be that there’s a girl he think he should pick for some moral reason, and then a girl he has stronger feelings for but doesn’t check that box. Ben is an evangelical Christian. Becca is a virgin. He’s said to her that of all the girls, it seems like they probably fit together the best in this way (their religion) which he’s also said is the most important selection criteria he has this season.

Lauren B

The Bachelor
The Bachelor

Lauren B is Ben’s perfect bubbly blonde. There isn’t much more to say than this because there isn’t much more to Lauren B than this. They’re Bachelor Nation‘s blandest couple ever.

Burning questions for the rest of this season

What makes Jojo sad sad???

The Bachelor
The Bachelor

Is Emily’s crying face Kim Kardashian level??? (Nah.)

The Bachelor
The Bachelor

Is Ben’s single tear manly???

The Bachelor
The Bachelor

Does Lauren B have it in the bag???

The Bachelor
The Bachelor

Why does Amanda put her kids on the show if she hates ‘Teen Mom’ so much???

The Bachelor
The Bachelor

Can Jojo PLS be the next Bachelorette???

The Bachelor
The Bachelor

When will ABC send me a hot tub for being such a good recapper???

The Bachelor
The Bachelor

What kind of shitbag Bachelor tells TWO women he loves them???

The Bachelor
The Bachelor

Who does Ben regret saying goodbye to???

The Bachelor
The Bachelor

Will he pull a reverse Womack???

The Bachelor
The Bachelor


The Bachelor
The Bachelor

See you next week! Thought Catalog Logo Mark