13 Men On Why They Prefer To Date Introverts
"I love that my wife has this like, dreamy inner world that I can't really understand. It's super attractive. Everything I think I basically say, but she's more complex."

1. “For me, I like introverts because you can trust them. They don’t need attention and affirmation like extroverts do so I know that if somehow, I don’t give her enough one day — she’s not out flirting with everyone to try to make it up. I want to say it also seems more confident to be that way, but I know it’s just a difference in the way people are.” — Mark, 33
2. “I love that my girlfriend is introverted and independent because I feel like I am enough for her. Like, she doesn’t need more people to feel complete.” — Andy, 29
3. “I’m a homebody so it’s pretty much my nightmare to date an extrovert. I want someone who’s happy with just me (and our dog) on the couch, hanging out and enjoying each other’s company.” — Rudy, 28
4. “My extroverted ex always made me feel like I was such a boring old man while she was young and exciting and interesting. It made me feel like shit. I just want to be a normal adult and not have to go to every social event just to show off to people on her Instagram.” — Mike, 25
5. “I love that my wife has this like, dreamy inner world that I can’t really understand. It’s super attractive. Everything I think I basically say, but she’s more complex.” — David, 30
6. “One of the most attractive things about my wife is her intellectual prowess. She practices an especially difficult kind of medicine and she only got to that point because she’s able to focus on what she wants to focus on. We knew each other in college and she was social, but she would never prioritize a party over what’s important to her.” –Rick, 37
7. “I prefer dating an introvert because I have established my life to be the way I like it. I don’t want someone to come in an complain that I don’t try more things. I specifically spend what little free time I have on the things I like, and I already don’t feel like that’s enough time. I don’t want constant grief for the things I like to do.” — Mark, 27
8. “I prefer the security of knowing that I know her best. There are so many parts of her she only shows to me. I feel special and like together, we as a couple have this solid foundation we wouldn’t have if we were both as open with everyone else as we were with each other.” — Peter, 23
9. “I love the way my introverted girlfriend relies on me. It’s not like she’s dependent, but she totally respects my ability to charm anyone in the room. It makes me feel good about myself, like I am needed and desired by her.” — Andrew, 25
10. “I’ve dated both and I feel more confident in my relationship with introverts. Because I know they aren’t just talking to me to talk to anyone I have an easier time opening up. Our communication is better, which means the whole relationship is better.” — Jim, 27
11. “In my experience, extroverts like to party. I’m really not into that scene anymore.” — Bryan, 28
12. “I’m so attracted to her rich inner mental life. Her opinions are thoughtful and when he communicates I know she’s reflected and reasoned instead of just blurting out whatever comes to mind. It makes me respect her preferences and opinions a lot more because I know she’s not saying anything flippantly.” — Ian, 29
13. “I love that she understands and respects my time alone. We have a rule in our relationship where we can declare “I time” and you don’t need any reason why you’re asking for it, but you get to be alone if you need or want to be. I’m an extrovert but I travel a lot for work and sometimes I just get exhausted with people.” — Simon, 31