
17 Women On The Nasty (And Frankly Weird) Things They Can Only Talk About With Their BFF

"The best part of hooking up with a new guy isn't actually hooking up with him. It's texting your friend 'guess who was a hoe last night?' and giving her all the juicy details."



No one understand how truly bizarre and unfiltered female friendships can be when you’re with the right people. Like many women my age, I have literally zero secrets from my inner circle. It’s impossible for me to think of something that would actually be embarrassing to tell them after the shit they have witnessed. I asked 17 other women to share what it’s like to be best friends with them.

1. “If I don’t call you a ‘fucker’ or an ‘asshole’ we’re probably not friends. All my terms of endearment sound like insults but I love it that way. Only a real friend can call you a dumbass and it makes you feel loved.” — Sam, 24


2. “I describe in detail to my two best friends what it’s like to sleep with every guy. Whether he trims his fingernails, what his fingering technique is like, if his dick is sexy or weird, how his cum tastes. I don’t really know why we need to go into so much detail but it’s fun as hell and my stomach usually hurts from laughing so much.” — Ava, 21


3. “The best part of hooking up with a new guy isn’t actually hooking up with him. It’s texting your friend ‘guess who was a hoe last night?’ and giving her all the juicy details.” — Cally, 22


4. “The worst thing I’ve ever done in my life is fucking a mutual friend’s dad I was on vacation with her family. My best friend knows. She knows fucking everything.” — Anne, 29


5. “There’s so much about life that’s different than it was for our parent’s generation. I love my mom, but she doesn’t know what I’m talking about half the time when I’m talking about dating or my life. I love having close female friends because when we talk about the things we don’t talk about with anyone else — I just feel normal. I’m glad to know I’m not the only girl in the world who occasionally does insane shit like leaving a chat window open just so I can keep track of when my boyfriend logs in and out of the app…” –Sara, 30


6. “What can I say? I make bad decisions. I feel like my text message history will be of vital importance when I write my memoir about drinking and sleeping your way through college.” — Jess, 21


7. “My friends and I tell each other how much money we make, how much money we spend on rent and everything else, what our boyfriends make, and what systems we use to make things even in our relationships. I’m much more savvy and confident because I have more “insider info” about how other people do it.” — Katie, 29


8. “My friend and I are both trying to lose weight. We tell each other basically everything we eat and weird things like how I made made basically a pile of whipped protein powder so I could feel like I was eating something.” — Lauren, 25


9. “When my boyfriend raped me, my best friend was there for me. I didn’t want to leave him and she didn’t make me feel embarrassed for it not being as easy as picking up and walking out on a three year relationship. I ended up staying with her when I finally did break up with him. I still haven’t told another soul what really happened.” — Meghan, 23


10. “I tell her things I would never tell anyone else: that I regret having children sometimes, that I feel like my husband doesn’t love me as much as I love him, that I wonder if I’m settling in life and constantly think about what life would be like if I was my single, childfree sister. It’s not that I really want to make any changes, but it’s nice to be able to be totally honest with someone. She doesn’t have kids but she feels the same way about her long-term boyfriend, so maybe that’s just how it is.” — Amanda, 34


11. “I really don’t remember how we discovered this, but my BFF and I happen to have the same kink. We laugh about it all the time and talk about it in detail. We commiserate when we date someone who isn’t into it and celebrate together when we do.” — Jessica, 25


12. “We are both single and actively dating, so you can imagine what our iMessage convos are like. There’s a few new horror stories every week. Like, this morning I told her how my period showed up early and I didn’t realize it while I was having sex with a new guy I was seeing. He was a big dick about it so it was nice to have her take my side.” — Amy, 26


13. “My friends are my life. They’re my touchstone to reality even if that touchstone is usually ‘binge-watching gossip girl again, haven’t moved in 12 hours, ordering pizza, u in?'” — Maddie, 23


14. “The best part of every morning is laying in bed for twenty minutes catching up. I don’t know what we have to catch up about since we probably talked at night too, but it makes easing into the day much more enjoyable.” — Kate, 26


15. “My BFF and I have similar jobs and our bosses are legit psychos. It’s nice to have someone who knows what you’re going through and have some comic relief. I’ll text her like, “love that warm fuzzy feeling when you email your boss a client’s brief and sit around all afternoon waiting 2 get yelled at for made up reasons” and she’ll help me laugh about it.” — Nav, 25


16. “I showed my friends after I got my first bikini wax. We were all curious about it and I was the first one to try. I had bruises everywhere.” — Lori, 23


17. “We don’t enable each other now but we used to. We’ve both struggled with eating disorders and body issues. At one point we were binging and purging together and we thought we were living the dream. It was awesome to have someone see you at your very worst with puke all over your face, and love you through it. We’ve both come a long way. We talk about the same old feelings, but we both encourage each other to fight it now. She’s like an extension of myself, I wonder if I will ever be closer to another individual in my life, even my husband.” — Joelle, 29 Thought Catalog Logo Mark