14 Surprisingly Good Romantic Comedies (And Dramas) You Can Watch On Netflix Right Now
For a Good Time, Call

This is a phone sex comedy, do I need to go on?
Okay, it’s also a movie about how incredibly powerful female friendships can be and finding love in unlikely places. Ari Graynor is your relatable lead with aspirational levels of gumption, and Lauren Miller is the type A half of their odd couple. They become badass phone sex entrepreneurs together and there are some really cute (and empowering) romantic storylines as well.
Jerry Maguire

This was a sensation in the 90’s but it’s fallen off our radar since then. Which is a shame because this is vintage Tom Cruise at his finest. If you want to both think existentially about your life and career and what it all means AND end the night sobbing into your ice cream (because, love) this is the one to pick.
Can’t Buy Me Love

This movie stars McDreamy before he was McDreamy and it is glorious. It’s a really cute 80’s throwback you should watch if you want something that will make you feel good (and you don’t care about the cheese factor).
The Best of Me

This is a Nicholas Sparks movie that delivers exactly what you would expect a Nicholas Sparks movie would deliver. It’s also about second chances and stars people who aren’t in their twenties, so if you are feeling old or washed up or like nothing exciting will ever happen to you again, this is an especially refreshing movie.
While You Were Sleeping

If you’ve been the clingy ex who can’t move on or the girl who tells random people like your hair stylist that you’re ‘dating’ the guy you only (so far) have a crush on, you will relate to Sandra Bullock in this movie. But she’s beautiful and young and optimistic, so relating to her isn’t the worst thing in the world.

This movie is cheesey in a way that just feels so good. You just really grow to believe in the power of dance and you want all the kids to stick to the mean ass adults in their town. Watch this if you’re feeling lazy and want to feel motivated to do get up and accomplish something the next day.
There’s also a actually-not-shitty 2011 remake out there as well, but it’s not streaming on Netflix.
Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights

Another dance movie, but don’t worry, we’re not sinking to Step Up 12 here. This is an underrated gem of a semi-remake. The characters are more likeable than the original Dirty Dancing cast and it’s just a lot of fun to watch.

This movie is REALLY GOOD. Old John Cusack is so good. You will want to go to used bookstores and read people’s handwritten notes when you are done.
Silver Linings Playbook

If you are struggling in your love life (or just life, in general) this is a great movie that will make you feel positive about your future. Excelsior.

Don’t tell me this isn’t a romantic movie. There’s nothing more romantic than a brooding, YA-novel protagonist. Christian Slater is the og Edward Cullen — and who wouldn’t prefer him anyway? What’s your damage? This is the movie to watch when you feel crabby, misanthropic, or just not into traditional love at the moment.
Remember Me

THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE ON NETFLIX. I know that sounds completely ridiculous but it’s a really cute drama and you will actually love the characters and then you will cry your eyes out. I know this because I once cried just from reading the Wikipedia article for this movie.
Romeo + Juliet

There’s a reason it’s the most popular love story ever. Plus, young leo! Beautiful costumes! A really, really sick soundtrack!