Don’t Forget To Set The Alarm: 17 True Scary Stories To Read In Bed Tonight
"Sitting on my front porch swing was an older woman, probably in her 50’s wearing nothing but a night gown, covered in blood and holding a huge kitchen knife."
Always bring someone when looking at a room for rent
“Back in my younger days when I was still living with roommates, I had what turned out to be the most obvious of dangerous encounters.
I was looking to move and I was about to leave to see a place in the perfect location, good price, two seemingly professional male roomies. At the last minute my boyfriend suggests he goes along because the place is nearby and they’ll have to meet him at some point anyway.
We get there and I introduce myself and the one roommate seems a little taken aback at the fact that I had someone with me. I suppose it could be seen as unusual to bring your boyfriend but I figured “Oh well, the damage has already been done. If they don’t allow me to be their roommate simply because he’s with me, I can’t do anything about it now. Let’s just see the place.” The apartment is HUGE! We’re both suitably impressed until we turn the corner of the living room and we see it. A 2-camera setup with a light pointed at the couch. There’s a guy sitting on the couch that is introduced as the other roommate. He jumps off of the couch and gives my boyfriend the same weird look. I now realize the look they were giving, was disappointment.
I shoot my boyfriend a very quick look of understanding but we silently decide to continue with the tour, so as not to escalate the situation. I casually joke that it’s nice they have a camera so I can video tape myself for my auditions. They both laugh much too hard and say, “YES! That’s what we were doing!”
He brings us over to “my room” and it’s literally a broom closet. You wouldn’t even be able to fit a single-sized bed in there. It is now patently obvious that there was never a room for rent in the first place.
I take this opportunity to get out of there by saying, “Oh that’s too bad. I have a queen bed and I won’t be able to fit. Okay well thanks for your time!”
We get out to the street and walk around the corner without saying a word. When we finally look at each other, it’s in this stunned silence. He just hugged me really tight, and we went for a walk in the park.”