17 True Creepy Stories To Read Before Bed Tonight

I looked down and saw the lower half of a human jaw.


Orange balls of light

Sitting on a beach at night in Dorset in the south on England. In the sea just inside the waves as they were about to break on the shore, there was this orange light. It was about the size of a tennis ball and really bright. It was flitting backwards and forward really fast as travelled along the shore then it disappeared. There was nothing in the sky and nobody on the shore for it to be a reflection of anything. It was definelty in the water. I’m the biggest sceptic in the world but I haven’t found a satisfactory explanation for what it was. I thought maybe some kind of bioluminescent organism but it was moving far too quickly for any fish or jellyfish.

Lake of the dead

Went for a midnight walk with my bf and dog about 4 years ago after we moved to a new apartment. We went walking around a really popular lake but this was like 12:30 or 1 am. Anyway we get near the end of the walking path and we pass a senior couple slowly walking past. Okay, weird they should be asleep they’re so old. Then we continue walking and my dog stops at a park bench to pee and there’s a fucking old man sitting there silently. Holy christ! spooky, come on dog. We walk a little bit further and I swear my memory is not cloudy here but there’s got to be a dozen or more old people just standing and slowly walking around this part of the path! Some are sitting and some are in couples. But nobody is making a sound My boyfriend and I kind of drag each other and the dog through the mess of old people and briskly gtfo of there. I contacted the local folklore ghost guy but he said he hasn’t heard anything about that area. There’s no old folks home in that part of town and certainly no seniors home is going to sponser a senior’s walk on the lake at 1 in the fucking morning. Still freaks me out.