Hervé BRY

17 True Creepy Stories To Read Before Bed Tonight

I looked down and saw the lower half of a human jaw.


I found a human jaw in a cave

One summer I was on a three month spelunking trip, we were slated to explore 13 caves that were only lightly documented. One in particular was 12 chambers deep before we came upon the small opening for the water source that created this particular system. I was the only one that could fit so I was the first choice to head down it. About 150 down and around a few corners I found myself at a small opening into another larger chamber. The only way I could make it through this opening was hands forward only pulling myself with my fingers inch by inch. I found myself with my chest pressed tight in the opening when I heard a noise echoing in the chamber. I realized that it was my heart pressed against the rock so tightly I could hear my heartbeat echoing in the cave. Well i managed to pop through and as I turned back to mark the hole I came out of, I looked down and saw the lower half of a human jaw. I suddenly felt panic, I imagined this hole was like someone sticking a hockey puck in their mouth: it would go in but it wouldn’t come out. I basically grabbed the jaw bone, and lept through the hole, tearing my spine all along my back. This was one of the creepiest things I have found in my lifetime.

A peephole in the dirt

Saw an eye ball in the dirt once. Ill never forget it.

I was helping my mom with some yard work, and with her back turned to me i saw this white orb push up the dirt and roll in place. There was a gray iris that started up at me for a second, and then it fell back into the earth. I had no idea what it was. I felt no need to tell my mom because there is no way she would of believed me. I was ten, and i still remember it very vividly 17 years later…