13 Creepy Stories That Will Make You Scared To Sleep Tonight

Shadow man

I was supervising the yard in my kindergarten when this child runs over to me in hysterics. I bend down and manage to calm him down. He is shaking uncontrollably and states that he was in the out of bounds area by the bins when a big black scary shadow said he was going to take him. Of course I go over to check it out but by the bins is only a side ally adjoining to the main school. Honestly I don’t believe in supernatural things but the kids friend that was with him at the time claimed he didn’t see or hear anything.

The screens were slit

I laid in bed and listened as someone tried to break into my apartment. This was before cell phones, and I didn’t have a landline, it was a 3 month sublet before I left for college. The roommate I was supposed to live with moved out 3 days after I moved in because someone HAD broken in and tried to rape her. Forgot why he didn’t succeed, maybe she screamed and he noped out. In the morning I found several screens slit. Of course I had locked all the windows before bed. I’ve never been so terrified. She did seem kind of nervous when we met, but for a cheap place for 3 months I didn’t care.

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