28 People Share The Creepy Stories Of The Scariest Thing They’ve Ever Experienced

I "saw" in my mind's eye that I was going to get hit by a car.


Someone else was there

When I was about 14 my friend and I went bow hunting on his dad’s property. Mainly we just walked around the woods all day messing around. As it started to get dark he called his dad to pick us up so he would drive us to his mom’s house. His Dad asked us to wait at a certain spot right by the road at the edge of the property.

It quickly got very dark, and for some reason, I don’t even remember why, we waited sitting down facing each other about 50 feet from the road, in a spot that was pretty dense with trees. There was absolutely nothing around here but the road and the trees for at least a mile.

We were talking about whatever 14 year olds talk about when suddenly I saw light hitting my face. It came from above, I looked up, but I couldn’t see what exactly or how high it was. It was very focused, white, and only seemed to hit my face, nothing around me. My friend also saw it and both of us were very panicked and freaked out. The light hadn’t come on and then moved to my face, it was on me from the moment it came on. It shone for about 3, maybe 5 seconds, and then went back off. There didn’t seem to be anything in the trees, or above them, although it was damn dark, but we were both convinced it came from above the trees. We heard nothing, even though the night was super quiet and we both said nothing the moment it appeared.

We booked it to the road and waited for his dad. I’m freaking out a bit just typing this almost 15 years later…

Dad’s blessing

My dad passed away a year and a half ago and since then, my family (two sisters, brother in law, and mom) have vowed to take a family vacation every year because my dad loved travel and we didn’t get to do it with him nearly enough – something I think we all regret. This year we went on vacation to Maui which was one of his favorite places in the world.

We landed at the airport, turned on our phones and started checking messages, voicemails, etc. as we taxied to the gate. I pull up my email and I have a message from my parents’ joint email address (still labeled as dad) and it’s pictures that he and I had messaged back and forth not long before he died. My sister opens her email and she too has a message except these were pictures of her wedding that were taken a few months prior to his death. Mom opens hers and she has a different set of pictures. Each of these emails were sent at the exact same time (the day we landed in Maui) but in the body of the email, looked to have been forwarded on different dates. None of us know how to explain it. So weird.