28 People Share The Creepy Stories Of The Scariest Thing They’ve Ever Experienced

A saint returned my Power Ranger to me

When I was around 5 or 6, I was a huge fan of Power Rangers. And I had this huge room which was only for toys and playing.

One day, mom comes around and says we have to go out. I ask her if I can take my power ranger with me. She says yes, so I go to the play room to get it. After looking for it for about 5 minutes, I tell my mom that I can’t find it. She says she’s ready to go. So I do this thing we have here in Brazil where we ask a saint for something that is missing in exchange for 3 little jumps (seriously…). And so I did.

I want my Power ranger

After I said that, just like that, my power Ranger fell from the ceiling right in front of me. I gave the three jumps and took it with me.

I was surprised. I even told it to my mom about 5 times. But not as surprised as I would be if that happened to me today.


Deja vu

First one occurred in back in elementary school. I had this really odd and realistic dream that my grandfather was driving me down this wooded highway. We pass this nondescript vacant brick building and he says “That used to be a gunpowder mill back during the the civil war” and then I woke up. I didn’t think much of it until a few days later when my family and I were driving to see a 4th of July fireworks show at a nearby park. I noticed the road we were on seemed familiar and then suddenly I saw the EXACT same building from my dream, surroundings and all. I started freaking out but calmed down once we got to the park. Some other family members were there and when I found my grandfather I asked him if he knew anything about the old brick building next to the road. He told me it was a civil-war era gunpowder mill. I still get chills thinking about it. I have no known connections to this building and I can find hardly anything about it. It is located in the small village of Goes Station, OH.

About the author

Chrissy Stockton

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