A doppleganger prediction
I turned 21 before my friends did, so naturally being an alcoholic I went to bars alone. I was waiting in line one night and an attractive woman who had clearly had too much to drink came up to me and started rubbing on my chest. (I’m was a single man so if an attractive woman wants to rub me I was fine with that) She said how attractive I was and then started saying how much she missed me. (we were strangers.) She started sobbing uncontrollably. By that time her friends had caught up with her and saw her crying just before she turned and ran away from me. One of her friends chased after her and the other walked up to me and said, “Sorry about that. Her boyfriend just died 2 weeks ago in a motorcycle accident.” She was looking at me kinda funny but that whole situation was kinda funny. I said no problem and that I was sorry for her loss. She said, “Its weird, can I tell you something?” yes, I replied. “You look exactly like her boyfriend. Like, EXACTLY like her boyfriend. We saw you as soon as she did. We froze and didnt know what to do when she ran up to you. OMG YOU LOOK EXACTLY LIKE HIM!” We briefly exchanged plesantries and I went inside for a stiff drink. 3 months later I was hit in a horrific motorcycle crash and nearly died.
My night of horror
I was a nanny for about five years to a wealthy family, they lived in an enormous house on a lake. The mom had had a lot of close relatives pass away in a brief amount of time and was struggling with grief. The kid was about 6 months old and mom had gone to her counseling session to help accept the loss of her loved ones, and weird stuff started happening the minute I got there. Toys lined up on the counter by themselves, I saw a piano chair pull itself away from the piano, called my sister thinking I was going crazy and she asked me if there were other people there because she could hear people talking in the back ground, and finally the baby started screaming in his crib like he had been pinched. I ran upstairs to get the baby from his crib but the door closed in my face, when I finally got it open he was in the middle of his floor reaching up to something in the corner like he wanted to be picked up. All these events happened within a 45 minute window, it was intense. We ran outside and stayed there until his mom came home, she claimed to have similar experiences which was making it difficult for her to heal from her losses. Scary. Ass. Shit. I still worked there for a long time and nothing happened after that.