28 People Share The Creepy Stories Of The Scariest Thing They’ve Ever Experienced

I ran into a silent stranger at night
When i was 14 i used to walk down to the local elementary school late at night during the summer to sit on the swings and get some fresh air. id usually be there around 2 or 3 in the morning.
One night i kept hearing a strange noise coming from the middle of the playground field, so i went to investigate. it was pitch black and i had no light source except the lights from the school 150 or so yards behind me.
When i got to the edge of the field i saw what looked like a person sitting in the grass, so i pulled out my shitty flip phone to try to provide some extra light which didn’t help at all. but it appeared the person was sitting on the grass rolling around. so i yelled “is someone there, are you okay?”
They didn’t answer to i turned my phones camera on and used the flash to snap a picture. the light from the flash provided me a second to see a woman sitting in the grass holding her feet and rolling around making almost no noise.
I didn’t know what to say or do, so i turned around and ran all the way home, still have no idea who she was or what the fuck she was doing.
Someone was out there
One night I was watching a movie in the living room of my grandma’s gigantic house (she was sleeping upstairs and I was the only one there besides her) and right after the movie ends and I decide to go upstairs, I hear loud fast footsteps near the window closer to the TV (like someone was running loudly). But it was around 2AM. And it’s a closed property, so no one SHOULD be there. And the dog, outside, barked as well. I was sure someone was there. No one knocked. I went to get a big fucking knife and opened the door. I did this really fast. No one was out there. The dog was confused and didn’t know where to look at but he was looking for something, so I wasn’t crazy. And there was no fucking way somebody would be out of there so fast, because nobody can enter or leave the property unless they have the remote controller or a key for the gate, but even that would take long. So I just went inside really scared and brought the dog in as well. And I slept with him on that living room with lights and the TV on. To date I have no fucking clue what that was. But both me and the dog would agree someone was there. Fuck. I’m scared again.