21 People Share The Creepy (And Completely True) Stories That Will Make You Sleep With The Lights On

Don’t go after that ball

Here’s one. I had a good friend die when I was 10. We’ll call him Jon. He died pretty tragically too. He was hit by a car literally right in front of my house when he was chasing down a ball that bounced into the road. Fast forward 7 years. I’m babysitting my little sister and she is playing outside. I’m on the porch swing reading and she’s shooting hoops on a little tikes hoop. The ball bounces out into the road and I look up to see her yell, “Don’t go after that ball Jon!!” Freaked the shit out of me. She never even knew about Jon. I asked her who “Jon” was and she said that he would play with her sometimes outside.

Holy shit…

My brother was getting to sleep one night when he was about 13/14. The lights were off, door’s closed, he was settled with his eyes closed. All of a sudden he gets that feeling that he’s being watched by someone. The feeling becomes stronger and stronger so he pulls the covers over his head, curls into a ball trying not to freak out. He even starts saying the “Our Father’ prayer when a few lines in he hears a voice right next to his ear say, “That’s not going to help you…”. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Read a chilling true story of an afternoon spent with a serial killer here.


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