
17 People On How To Hook Up Right

Take a shit before sex. Don't ask.





Enthusiasm, lots of vocal encouragement and be naughty.



the section of skin between the balls and anus is really sensitive and stroking this can add to the experience. Another trick (as an alternative to ball playing as mentioned) is to apply slight pressure to this area with a couple of fingers just before and during climax.



As an uncircumcised guy, I can tell you the only way to describe me is ridiculously sensitive. In particular, the skin that circumcised guys are missing is wonderfully sensitive — I swear to god I’ve been levitated off the bed by having that touched, ever so lightly.



the key to a good blow job is the hand. Make sure that you focus mostly on stroking the mouth is mainly for getting it wet. If your hand gets tired switch to the mouth, then when you can switch back to the hand. The best however is the hand and mouth at the same time (you should be doing hand and mouth while he is cumming).



I dunno, i just prefer my sex to involve more mutual respect and less female degredation?

The best sex for me is generally the sex she enjoys most. Seeing your efforts appreciated brings out the best in me.



For me personally, the best sex I had was with a girl that just loved to fuck. So, enthusiasm is probably 80% of it, but aside from that, figure out what he likes and do it without him having to ask. For me, this involves lots of oral and wanting me to cum in/on specific places. I love it when I can pull out during sex and she sucks me dry.



To use a movie analogy, if you don’t nail that shit like “Empire Strikes Back” at least 50% of the time the fan base if going to decline. If all she gets is “Phantom Menace” she’s going to lose interest. Hayden Christensen just won’t cut it, you have to give her a little Harrison Ford every now and then.



Pounding a girl fast and hard with her legs over her head is not the way to make her come. In fact I’d hazard that a minority of women even really enjoy that. A lot of women will play up their pleasure because we know you think it’s hot, we think we’re supposed to find it hot, so we unconsciously play along. I personally get very little sensation from this kind of sex. It’s exciting the same way that doing anything physically challenging is, but it doesn’t make nice sensations for me.

Plus, with her legs in the air you’re far more likely to hit her cervix, which fucking kills.

I much prefer it deep and slow. In fact it doesn’t even have to be that deep, because the g-spot is not that high up. Not “barely moving” slow, but, like, more sensual, if that makes sense.
Either of these will make me dripping wet, wriggling around and moaning:
Guy on top, slowly fucking me. (Missionary gets a bad rap, it’s a shame.)

On our sides, guy behind me. the couch is awesome for this. Bonus: it gives access for me to rub my clit
Me flat on my belly with him entering me from behind, with my legs together. I will make a puddle. This position provides a direct hit at my g-spot.

Try to reserve the hard-and-fast-pounding for when you need to do it to climax. That being said, the reason you require this exaggerated stimulation is because you jack yourself off with a death grip and you’ve de-sensitized yourself. You should retrain yourself to enjoy more subtle sensations. It will prolong sex and enable you to fuck her in a way that gives her a LOT more pleasure.



Relax, have fun, and try to give your partner a better experience than you are having.



Yoga… Bikram Yoga. Something about it, I don’t know what it is but hands down the best sex of my life was in a car parked in a parking lot outside of my exes yoga studio right after we did a class.



Anal Sex.

This applies to anal sex with both men and women. The key is lubrication and time. There are two rings of muscle that are contracted inside an anus. The first one, is relatively tight, but the second one more so. A good way to start anal play is with a single finger and alot of lubrication. Work one finger, usualy the index finger into the anus, feel around, feel how it’s shaped, and feel whats tight and what’s giving. This will key you into what direction to take with the person. Gentle, slow working will make the person feel more at ease with the physical act. Then work another finger in and do some gentle thrusting. It is important to make sure your nails are short and dull. Don’t want any accidents down there. Once you have them loosened up for two fingers, then you can introduce ether a toy, or begin some actual fucking. Remember to start slow, and once it’s in let it sit for a minute. don’t start thrusting until your partner is completely at ease with it inside them. Then start slowly making sure you are completely lubricated. Once you get them comfortable enough you can fuck as fast as your partner can take. just remember lubrication.

Taking anal sex requires a little planning. If it is your first time being fucked you should restrain from eating or drinking for a 12 hour period. Then an enema should be performed until the water runs as clear as possible. this reduces the risk of any embarrassment during the act. When taking the first finger gently press down as if you were trying to move your bowels. Since you’ve cleaned out there is no chance of mistakes. This dilates the anus and makes it easier to be entered. From there it’s a matter of repetition, working the anus till it’s used to the feeling and then moving to the next step. Once you are comfortable you can take it like a champ in no time. don’t let a bit of discomfort or pain at first stop you. That’s normal for the first time of almost any penetrative sex act. But don’t be shy if you feel discomfort or pain that persists. Anal sex might not be for you. But don’t be worried about it. tell your partner to stop, and give it a breather and maybe try again. just go slow, use lots of lubrication, and patience.






Take a shit before sex. Don’t ask.



If you’re a girl, learn to deep throat, even if you can only fit it part way.

It’s got to be the single best thing to ever happen to my penis.



Talk about what you like/how you like it and encourage the same from your partner. Not in a verbose manner, just gentle encouragement as you embark on your adventure together.



1) Find someone you are sexually compatible with. I hate to say it, but I’m not quite sure how this works. I’ve been with my wife since we were in High School 20 years back, and there’s a lot of history there that would be hard to summarise. Needless to say, our libidos aren’t exactly compatible (Not uncommon, but it is the degree that varies). So if you’re entering a relationship, make sure you find a way to confirm your interests in sex are compatible or you may regret it farther down your relationship.

2) Be completely honest with your partner. It will make things soooooo much easier and sooooo much better. If one or both of you are playing mind games, it just makes it more difficult to actually enjoy sex.

3) If you follow #2, then feel free to explore. Don’t be embarrassed by sex. If you’re lucky, you’ll have a partner who is as willing to share and explore sex as much as you are. Make some effort to discuss sex (You don’t have to be clinical about it, though you can if you want) and and effort to educate yourselves.



Lube. The thick kind.

Bonus tip for people who aren’t getting any (#noshame):


From time to time, use the other hand.

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