50 Little Ways To Be A Happier You Every Single Day
Reach out to a few people you admire. Tell them how your life has changed for the better because of them.
1. Wake up ten minutes earlier than you normally do and drink your coffee (or tea) a little more slowly than usual.
2. Write one paragraph in a journal about how you honestly feel about your current place in life.
3. Below that, write down three things that you have the power to change in six months.
4. Accomplish one small goal you have for the day that’s dedicated to personal fulfillment.
5. Start reading a book that you’ve been dying to read for the longest time.
6. Reread an old favorite book.
7. Take a brisk walk for at least ten minutes outside.
8. Take a warm bath with your favorite scent.
9. Cook your favorite dish for dinner.
10. Drink one more cup of water than you usually do.
11. Give a compliment to someone that inspires you on Instagram.
12. Make a mini-vision board with nine photos that show what you’d like to be doing and where you’d like to be by the end of the year.
13. Wear something that makes you feel comfortable and polished at the same time.
14. Write down your favorite quote and put it in a frame.
15. Learn about one new thing anything that interests you.
16. Meditate for five minutes before you go to sleep.
17. Clean up and reorganize your desk. Arrange things in a way that makes you focused.
18. Make a playlist with ten songs that resonate with you the most. Play it while you’re commuting, working, or doing chores.
19. Allow yourself to sing in the shower without feeling self-conscious.
20. Put scissors, tape, glue, paper towels, safety glasses, a stapler, rubber bands, and a first aid kit into one box and have it somewhere that’s easy to spot. That way, you won’t waste time trying to look for these things when you need them.
21. Look at old photos and reflect on how much you’ve grown and changed over the years.
22. Sleep for half an hour longer.
23. Say, “I am happy to be me” as many times as you need to.
24. Sit outside and do some deep breathing exercises.
25. Take a flattering photo of yourself and be creative with the way you edit it.
26. Put all of your chargers in one place. This will do tremendous wonders for your sanity – also make a charging schedule, so that you’ll never leave with a device that’s only 5% charged.
27. Watch a video that always makes you laugh hysterically.
28. Write down a list of common excuses you make. After you’re done, immediately shred it to pieces.
29. Read a book that made you happy as a kid.
30. Give yourself five reasons why you’re glad to be alive.
31. If you struggle with self-doubt and constantly worry about how you’re not good enough, ask three acquaintances to list three things they think you’re good at. This will show that most people (who aren’t your friends) don’t judge you as harshly as you think they do.
32. Write down three of your most important core beliefs.
33. Grab a piece of paper and a pen. Play MASH and be as creative with your options as you want. Make your own variations. Have fun with this!
34. Celebrate something you never thought you’d ever accomplish.
35. Sit in a dark room and do absolutely nothing for 15 minutes (or more).
36. Make a favorites list (favorite food, favorite book, favorite singer, favorite film, etc.). Chances are, no one else in the world would have the same exact list as yours.
37. Create a bucket list of all the things you want to do before you turn a certain age. This will challenge you to seek new experiences, dream boldly, and stop holding yourself back.
38. Reach out to a few people you admire. Tell them how your life has changed for the better because of them.
39. Write a letter to yourself from the perspective of your elderly self. Give some thoughtful lessons that will help you see the transience of life and make most of the precious moments you might be taking for granted.
40. Make a collage (can be digital or paper) with pictures of 25 things you love the most.
41. Listen to some relaxing piano music (or if piano isn’t your thing, maybe classical guitar or harp music).
42. Take a personality test of your choice. This is a fun way to discover more about who you are.
43. List some positive adjectives you’d use to describe yourself.
44. If there’s a playground nearby, go on the swings!
45. Lie down and allow every limb and muscle to relax.
46. Gaze at the moon, the stars, and the vast expanse of the night sky that reveals how majestic and breathtaking the universe can be.
47. Work on something you absolutely care about. Give it your undivided attention. Shut everything else down if you must.
48. Remind yourself that your life can be as uncomplicated as you want it to be.
49. Read articles about personal development. Don’t just skim them. Read and take notes on the significant points you can apply to your everyday life.
50. Smile. At yourself. At how far you’ve come. And at the future that awaits you.