I’ll be better without you, but your life won’t be the same without me.
I’ll make you miss me without having to try. As time continues to go on, it will be clear that you won’t find someone quite like me. It won’t take you long to realize what you had and what you lost. But, by the time that you realize this, I will be long gone.
By the time you figure out how good you had it, I will have realized how wrong you were for me. I will have run far from the chaos that you brought into my life.
I will make you miss me when you realize nobody will ever put up with your shit the way that I did. When you quickly find out that nobody will let things “slide” because of their unconditional love for you.
I will make you miss me when you’ve hit your next rock bottom. And you’ll reach for the phone to call me only realizing for the first time I won’t be right there waiting at the other end. You won’t get an answer. You’ll be left to deal with it all on your own.
I will make you miss me when you send me a text only to realize it doesn’t deliver because this time, I blocked your number. This time, it wasn’t you that closed the door, it was me.
I will make you miss me when you are lying next to your new girlfriend and realize she will never know or understand you in the way that I did. You will quickly realize she has not taken the time to get to know you inside and out like I have.
I will make you miss me when you need support from your friend and girlfriend and you realize nobody will ever be there in the way that I was. You will quickly find out how great it was to be in love with your best friend.
I will make you miss me when I am moved on and happy. Happy with someone who treats me in a way you never did. Happy with someone who has shown me my worth and that I should never settle for somebody like you.
I will make you miss me when you realize you lost your chance. When you come to the conclusion that I really am not coming back. When you realize that the last time really was it and there is no coming back from the damage that you caused this time.
You will miss me when you realize I no longer need you.
You will miss me when you realize that I am just fine on my own, without you. It will break you to realize I can function just fine without someone there for me.
You will miss me when you realize you needed me and I never needed you. It was you that didn’t know how to be alone. I am just fine.
You will miss me when you realize, without you, is what was best for me all along.