Chad Westbrook Hinds stars as the enigmatic Anubis in The Ceremony is About to Begin.

The Ending Of This New Found Footage Thriller Is Wild!

But is the ending worth the wait?


The Ceremony Is About to Begin was released digitally early in February, and it’s definitely worth a look for fans of found footage.

Technically, it’s really more of a pseudo-documentary. The movie begins with interviews from former members of The Osiris Collective, which is a cult with a theme based on ancient Egypt. Through these testimonies we learn that the group was taken over by someone who calls himself Anubis, whose behavior led many long-time members to leave the collective.

After the opening pseudo-doc section of the movie, The Ceremony Is About to Begin transitions to a more straightforward found footage style. The man behind the camera, Keith, travels to the Osiris Collective’s commune in order to speak directly with Anubis, but Keith and Anubis both have ulterior motives for agreeing to meet.

From here, the movie feels a lot like Creep (2014). Keith follows Anubis around, documenting his day and attempting to interview the cult leader. Anubis is quirky and friendly, but it’s easy to see there is something sinister on his mind. So, it pretty much uses the character dynamics of Creep, just with a different setup. Check out the trailer below for a little more context.

If you noticed the web site named on a flyer in this trailer, yes, you can go there. There’s not much to see, but does take you to a web page for the fictional Osiris Collective. FYI, I signed up for the “Join Us” email list and didn’t get a response.

What does not feel at all like Creep is the finale of The Ceremony Is About to Begin. It’s no spoiler to say that there is a ceremony in the movie. Well, after Anubis pulls some shenanigans, Keith stumbles upon something quite surprising. He discovers the horrific results of a previous ceremony, and the movie instantly becomes wildly deranged and frantic.

I don’t want to even hint at what Keith finds, because the final scenes are, by far, the best part of the movie. Spoiling even a small part of it would do a major disservice to anyone who takes the time to watch the entire film. Spoilers being such a big deal is because it might be a chore for most viewers to sit through the first two-thirds of the movie, and the final third feels like such a reward.

The Ceremony Is About to Begin isn’t bad, it’s just kind of tedious for a while. Maybe it’s the extended sequence of sit-down interviews in the beginning. Maybe it’s the low-key section of the movie where Keith and Anubis interact but don’t really say much that we don’t already know or assume. Maybe it’s the combination of the two. Whatever the reason, your interest might diminish to nothing before you get to the good stuff. But if you do make it to the finale, you’re in for a treat!

The Ceremony is About to Begin is currently available to rent or purchase digitally on platforms including Amazon Prime Video.

Read my full review for The Ceremony is About to Begin on Creepy Catalog.