4 New Horror Movies Streaming Today (February 14, 2025)
The Gorge
Anya Taylor-Joy and Miles Teller play star-crossed snipers assigned to guard opposite sides of a gigantic gorge that runs along the border between their respective countries. Their mission: shoot anything that comes out of the gorge. But as they spend time across from each other, they begin to fall for each other. When one of them also falls into the gorge, the other follows in a rescue attempt, and they both learn the true horror of what they’ve been guarding against.
The Dead Thing
Alex (Blu Hunt) is in a rut. Her love life is monotonous, and she’s looking for a true connection with someone. She thinks she finds that connection with Kyle (Ben Smith-Petersen), but after some quality time together, Kyle disappears. As Alex pursues the elusive Kyle, her growing obsession uncovers some disturbing truths about the man who ghosted her.
Dr. James Hayman (Namir Smallwood) becomes close with a terminally ill patient, but he makes a well-meaning choice that goes sideways and shakes him to his core. Still recovering mentally from the ordeal, Dr. Hayman transfers to a small-town hospital. There, Hayman becomes obsessed with a new patient who he thinks is being mistreated. Are his concerns justified, or is his mental stability breaking down? Or both?
A young couple, Olivia (Anna Jacoby-Heron) and Francis (Josh Rivera), move in together. They are not married, and their cohabitation is looked down on by their respective families. Francis, who had a rigidly religious upbringing, begins acting strangely, and the couple starts to believe that they are being haunted by the spirit of Francis’s youth minister who is apparently not very happy with their living arrangements.