The ‘Scream 7’ Casting News Is Fun, But This Is The Character Who Really Needs A Comeback
Scream 3 has become something of a cult classic even among Scream fans. It’s the lowest rated entry in the series critically and from audiences, and it rarely seems to named by anyone as their favorite in the franchise. However, there are some unforgettable characters who never made it past Scream 3.
With the announcement of Scott Foley returning for Scream 7, it seems like Roman Bridger—Sydney’s half-brother and the man ultimately responsible for the earliest Ghostface murders—will be returning to the franchise is some capacity. Did he somehow survive? Will he be a “force ghost” like Billy was in parts five and six? Will he be seen in flashbacks? Knowing how Scream likes to add new family members in every single movie, for all we know Scott Foley could be playing Roman’s newly-discovered twin brother. But there’s someone else who “died” in Scream 3 whose return would be easier to explain and exponentially more fun to watch: Jennifer Jolie.

For those who might not remember, Jennifer Jolie (as played by the incomparable Parker Posey) is the actress who played Gale Weathers in the first two Stab movies. She was apparently killed by Roman while the original version of Stab 3 was being produced. But look, Jennifer is an actress. She could have only been acting dead in order to survive. If Kirby Reed could survive her stabbing in Scream 4, then there’s no reason Jennifer Jolie couldn’t do the same. And besides, Chad got stabbed bunches of times in Scream 6, and he’s fine.
Parker Posey spoke about her desire to return to the Scream franchise. Back in 2023 during an interview on the All Of It radio show, Posey said, “Oh, I wish they hadn’t killed me. I begged Wes. . .Yes, bring me back. Figure it out.” Soon after, she told Comicbook.com that she pitched an idea about bringing her character back in a multiverse scenario. “I actually pitched, ‘Can I just be in another dimension and come back?’” Posey continued, “I hope so. I would love to do that. That was really fun. I can’t believe Wes Craven let me get away with some of the silly stuff I was doing.”
But Kevin Williamson doesn’t need to add a real multiverse to Scream in order to bring Parker Posey back into the franchise. Think about it, Scream 5 and 6 have a lot of parallels to Scream 1 and 2. If Scream 7 parallels Scream 3, then there’s a good chance we’ll see a new in-universe Stab movie being made. The Stab movies have been used to lampoon trends in Hollywood, and what Hollywood trope has been run into the ground over the past few years? Multiverses!
Fans of Scream know that the Stab movies get goofy. Part five has time travel. So why can’t the newest Stab movie have a multiverse? And in that fictional multiverse, Jennifer Jolie—who presumably appeared as a character in Stab 3: Hollywood Horror—could be brought back into the franchise. And who would play Jennifer Jolie in the newest Stab movie? Parker Posey, of course!

As an extra layer of self-referential goodness, Parker Posey could play an actress who just happens to look exactly like Parker Posey (and Jennifer Jolie). This would be a direct meta-reference to Scream 3 when Carrie Fisher played Bianca Burnette, a former actress who Gale and Jennifer recognize as looking exactly like Carrie Fisher.
If this all sounds too ridiculous for a Scream movie, never forget that Jay and Silent Bob were in Scream 3. And they aren’t supposed to be Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith playing Jay and Silent Bob, they really are those characters in the movie. Yes, it’s understood to be a silly, throwaway joke. And no, it doesn’t mean the View Askewniverse is part of the Scream universe (we can see a copy of Clerks on VHS in Stu’s house in the first Scream), but it happened. And it was fun. Bringing back Parker Posey as some version of Jennifer Jolie could be the most fun thing the Scream franchise has done in a long time.