Chelsea Fagan
Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.
Your Anxiety Isn’t An Excuse To Be An Jerk
Hey. Yeah, you, with the anxiety.
How To Get Over Someone You Never Dated
Accept the fact that it’s not going to happen. Force yourself to say it out loud, if necessary.
7 Obnoxious Things People Say To You When You Start Losing Weight
“Are you not going to be fun anymore?”
The Minimalist Pixie Dream Girl: Who She Is And Why I Hate Her
There are many kinds of porn in this world. There is porn porn, there is food porn, there is travel porn, and then there is my least favorite genre of all, General Lifestyle Porn.
The People Who Become Your Soulmates In Your 20s
I’ve had the same friends for a long time. My closest friend is also my oldest, and we’ve had near-daily internet chats for going on 15 years now.
6 Effective Weight Loss Tricks For Extremely Lazy People
I am trying to be healthier. And yes, a big part of that is increased energy, better skin, and a generally lighter feeling, but part of that is a bit of weight loss.
6 Terrible Relationship Behaviors You Should Outgrow By 25
Everyone makes stupid relationship choices when they’re becoming an adult.
15 Foods You Only Hate Because You’ve Been Eating Them Wrong
Yes, everything tastes better when sautéed with garlic. But nothing tastes as good as broccoli.
13 Understated-Yet-Sexy Qualities That Every Potential Husband Should Possess
It doesn’t just have to be the usual, “Hey, here’s a nice bouquet of flowers just for existing,” though that can be nice.
6 Terrifying Stories Of A Spouse Hiding A Second Life (From A Divorce Counselor)
This is perhaps the saddest case I’ve ever dealt with in all my years of practice. The pair met in a drug-rehab clinic.
17 Guys And Girls On The One Song That Makes Them Fall In Love
Whenever I listen to it, I think of the person I’m with and I immediately feel a hundred times more in love. It’s like a drug to me.
A Relationship Counselor’s 5 Things You Must Know About Someone Before Marriage
Men and women are always worried about, “What do we have in common, do we both play tennis?” It is much more important that you have in common that what you have to give, they value. By value, I mean appreciate.
21 Tragic Signs Your Boyfriend Is Basic As F*ck
Showing you his music is not just a cut-and-dry process of “Hey, here’s this song/band I really enjoy, why don’t you check it out so you cane enjoy it, too?” It’s a process where you have to be still and silent for an extended period of time so that you can make sure to absorb it in just the right conditions, then answer a thirty-question pop quiz at the end. You have to get it. Do you get it?
Watch Jay Z Appear High As Hell On The David Letterman Show
Probably the best talk show appearance either of them have been involved in.
I’ve Been Washing My Hair Wrong My Whole Life, And This Is How You Should Actually Do It
Suddenly, when not weighed down by oil or product, the roots of my hair had lift and volume, and the ends didn’t feel dried out and lifeless.
This 11-Year-Old Girl Danced To Nicki Minaj’s Anaconda And KILLED IT
I just… we all need to bow down to this girl.
17 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Destined To Be A DILF
He is totally comfortable in his skin and confident with who he is. He doesn’t mind holding your purse or wearing a pink sweater or (eventually, you imagine) carrying a little girl’s Barbie backpack around all day so she can go play. He is game for a good tea party, and has no fear of “looking silly.”
A Brutally Honest Breakdown Of What It Really Costs To Overhaul Your Wardrobe
10 dollars per “basic.” Things like tank tops, plain long-or-short sleeve tees, etc, should be purchased with disposability in mind. They aren’t made to last long, and they won’t, so feel free to go to town at places like Forever21 for these.