Girl Who Eats Her Own Tampon And Guy Who Eats His Own Poop Get Married On Facebook

The Girl Who Ate Her Own Tampon And The Guy Who Ate His Own Poop Are Married On Facebook

Giovanna Plowman, the 15-year-old girl infamous for a Facebook video in which she pulls out a bloody tampon and sucks on it (!), has gotten Facebook-married to Dino Bruscia, a guy infamous for eating a bowl of ice cream mixed with his own feces (!). Apparently they felt like rivals in the gross-out viral video olympics, as they tweeted taunts at each other. But there’s a thin line between love and hate, and the two downfall-of-civilization harbingers have joined forces in unholy matrimony. What’s next — they birth a child who licks his own diaper? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Charlie Morrigan

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