9 Valentine’s Day Gifts For People Who Aren’t Into Chocolate And Roses

1. Magic Showerhead.
Why not gift your sweetie a fantasy shower experience? These showerheads do stuff like turn the water red, yellow, and green, or fade from color to color. One model, called the Disco, boasts a “club like experience.” This seems like something worth checking out, together.
Price: $60-$100
The beauty of this gift is that it’s both red and portable, earning bonus V-day points. So, whether you’re creating magic in your bedroom, kitchen, or living room, this decorative fireplace is happy to move with you, sparking romance galore.
Price: $129
Stage your own hold-up with this random-yet-interesting accessory. Just strap the authentic looking gun holster around your waist, place a beer inside, and greet your date at the door. Why wear anything else?
Price: $29
If your partner is into travel and art, you’re sure to impress with this one-of-a-kind gift. The globe is beautifully wrapped in nautical maps from Florence. If you want to go the extra mile, stock the bar in advance. This gift might be a perfect prop for a marriage proposal?
Price: $189
5. Men’s Padded Butt Enhancer Brief.
Play this gift off as silly or sexy, depending on your man’s personality and ego. Reviewers give the briefs high marks for effectiveness. And if it’s all just too much, the padding is always removable. So hell, why not wrap these briefs up and tie them down with a bow?
Price: $35
Okay, this is a big ticket item, and you can probably only swing it if you’ve been saving up for years, or if you’re independently wealthy. But damn! Imagine soaking under the stars, sipping wine next to a crackling fire. You can even make gooey s’mores over the flames.
Price: $4K
7. High Heel Wine Bottle Holder.
Shiny red with a peep-toe, this unique wine bottle holder adds style to the already fine art of wine drinking. Also, it’s a pretty kitchen accessory. Before wrapping this gift up, don’t forget to choose the perfect bottle of wine to “pair” with it.
Price: $26
Depending on where you live, it might be too cold to roll this gift outdoors on Valentine’s Day, so instead pack up a romantic picnic and eat on the living room floor. It’s a gift that keeps on giving, because the minute spring arrives, you can plan another date: A picnic in the park.
Price: $124
9. Love You, Love Your More Pillow.
If you’re a hopeless romantic, or if your sweetie simply likes cute things, this reversible pillow allows you and your honey to communicate without words. Create a playful V-day game, or place it on a chair for everyday use, so that when life gets rushed, you’ll be reminded to say “I Love You.”
Price: $13