Twenty20 / @Pinningnarwhals

When You Give A Girl A Father

When you give a girl a father, you give her the strongest person she has ever known.


Twenty20 / @Pinningnarwhals

When you give a girl a father, you give her the strongest person she has ever known, the one who can do anything, fix anything, and give her directions to anywhere she needs to go, regardless if it down the street or across the country.

When you give a girl a father, you give her a hero, one that is stronger and more amazing than Superman and Batman combined.

When you give a girl a father, you give her a coach, a fan for life, and a person who will go to bat for her, and who will “bail her out” of sticky situations she has no control over.

When you give a girl a father, you will give her the confidence she needs to grow up into someone her dad would be proud of.

When you give a girl a father, you will give her a man who shows her the meaning of the words persistent, community, love, and the phrase “all they can say is yes or no.”

When you give a girl a father, you will give her someone that knows the true definition of the word work ethic and will demonstrate it everyday until he physically can’t anymore.

When you give a girl a father that was as great as mine was, she will not only think he hung the moon but the stars and everything else too.

When you give a girl a father, who she loved dearly but had to say goodbye to earlier than she could have ever dreamed, you get lots of tears and heartaches to go with it.

On this Fathers Day (my third fatherless one), I am going to celebrate the fact that I did indeed have the worlds greatest father. I was the girl who was given a father, but in reality got so much more. I got my hero, my best friend, and my favorite person to get advice from.

If you still have your father this Father’s Day, show him some love, because when you give a girl a father, he will show her that the sky is the limit to what she can achieve. Daddy, I miss you more and more each day, but know that I am becoming exactly who you taught me to be. Thanks for being the worlds best example of a father. I love you so much, and I will see you again one day. Happy Father’s Day. Thought Catalog Logo Mark