20 Reasons Why She Finally Walked Away

why she walked away from you
Daniel Monteiro

She tried to tell you, really she did. It was the things she said and by her body language, but you were too busy. You were completely preoccupied with yourself that you missed the signs of her calling your name. She wanted you to pay attention to her, to treat her as your priority, but mostly she wanted you to stop breaking her heart. You ignored the signs and when she found the strength that you no longer gave her, she decided to walk away.

1. She walked away because she realized that you no longer valued her or her time.

2. She walked away because she realized that in a relationship, no one should fight to get their partner’s attention.

3. She walked away because you no longer became the security blanket that kept her safe and warm.

4. She walked away because over time, the distance tugging at her became too strong to ignore.

5. She walked away because she realized that you took her for granted.

6. She walked away because the relationship felt anything but that.

7. She walked away because she grew tired of wiping away her own tears every night.

8. She walked away because feeling happy with you suddenly felt forced and insincere.

9. She walked away because you stopped being her #1 cheerleader and supporter in life.

10. She walked away because she became fed up with the bickering and fighting.

11. She walked away because you no longer brought out the best side in her.

12. She walked away because she noticed that you no longer looked at her with the same pair of loving eyes.

13. She walked away because she knows that relationships are not a one player game.

14. She walked away because by not nurturing the relationship, she gathered the courage to let you go.

15. She walked away because she knows she deserves more than a half-hearted relationship.

16. She walked away because you gave her every decision to do so.

17. She walked away because she’s come to an understanding that if you won’t value her, she’ll value herself.

18. She walked away because you gave her every reason to.

19. She walked away because she is deserving of a partner who will work equally as hard to maintain the relationship.

20. She walked away because she woke up one day and decided that she was going to love herself first. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Cantika Rustandi

Storyteller by nature and oversharing details is my forte.

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