This Flat Earther Explained Why He Spent Christmas Alone In This Hilariously Bizarre Facebook Post

Woman holds a globe over her head because the earth is round
Unsplash / Slava Bowman and Reddit / YourFavGuyStef

Flat Earthers are truly in a league of their own: not only are they creating homemade rockets and attempting to launch satellites into space to prove the Earth is, in fact, flat, but some people really don’t mind burning some bridges in the process. Yep, even with family.

Take this guy, for example. He posted to Facebook about how he was spending his first Christmas without his family — and, from the sounds of it, it would be the first of many. That’s because he left his wife after she refused to “seek the truth” and believe that the Earth is not a globe, but a flying disk chilling in the universe.

Reddit / YourFavGuyStef

Could this post be fake? Sure. But could it be real? Sadly, it would not surprise me in the least. If 2017 has proven anything, it’s that we’re living in a world full of extremists who are willing to ruin any kind of relationship because of their beliefs. (Even if, uh, their beliefs are pretty obviously false. But whatever.)

People on Reddit had a lot to say about the post, mostly because this whole flat earth thing is getting pretty damn ridiculous. It almost makes me miss the simple days of 2016, where all we really had to worry about were those creepy af killer clowns.

This whole thing is painful in a lot of ways.

Let 2018 be the year where we finally agree that THE WORLD IS A GLOBE. Please and thank you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Callie Byrnes

Callie joined Thought Catalog as an intern in 2017 and now works as the Editorial Director for its sister site, Collective World. She enjoys writing personal essays and articles about pop culture, astrology, and tarot. She published her first book, ‘The Words We Left Behind,’ in 2024.

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