The ‘Girlfriend Vs. The Other Girl’ Memes Finally Got An Ending And It’s Actually Amazing

Twitter / @Mongolear

By now, everyone’s seen the girlfriend vs. the other girl memes. It’s the Hot New Thing for youths everywhere.

I mean, the memes themselves are pretty relatable, if you can get past one flaw:

But the meme has taken on a life of its own as the creators continued to release photos of the threesome showing how events progress.

Twitter / @Mongolear
Twitter / @Mongolear
Twitter / @Mongolear

It doesn’t seem like the girlfriend can catch a break, but everything changed with this new set of photos that were uncovered.

Twitter / @oranforest
Twitter / @oranforest
Twitter / @oranforest

Honestly, this is more beautiful than any ending I could have come up with, and the Internet is here for it.

Live a long and happy life without that fuckboi tearing you apart, girlfriend and the other girl. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Callie Byrnes

Callie is a writer, editor, and publisher at Thought Catalog. Her debut book, ‘The Words We Left Behind,’ was released in January 2024.

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