This Woman Tweeted About How To Respond To Men’s Compliments And People On Twitter Can’t Agree More

Twitter / @FeministaJones and Twitter / @afrawlmiau

This woman is inspiring women everywhere to respond to men’s compliments, but not in the way they might be used to.

Feminista Jones is an author, social worker, advocate and social media star. She tends to use her Twitter to start important conversations about race and women, and this is no exception.

Of course, this isn’t the first time we’ve seen this on the Internet. Plenty of women have written pieces detailing their experiences agreeing with men, and which often leads to the men in question retracting the compliments.

Jones attributes this to the fact that women are supposed to be humble and not understand their own worth, and therefore be “overjoyed by someone (a man) saying something positive about them (that they weren’t supposed to already know).”

She has a point — almost all women have been in a situation where a man got upset with how they responded to a compliment, and a lot of them rallied on Twitter to talk about their experiences.

But really, why do guys get so freaked out when you agree with them? Why do they feel the need to retract a compliment just because you’re not completely flustered by it? And really, why do they expect women to have such low self-esteem?

I wonder how guys would respond if we did the same to them. Actually…

Which makes me wonder: what is a good reaction to a compliment?

If someone has an answer, please tell me. I’m tired of getting called an “ugly bitch” for saying “thank you” and moving on. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Callie Byrnes

Callie is a writer, editor, and publisher at Thought Catalog. Her debut book, ‘The Words We Left Behind,’ was released in January 2024.

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