This Haunting Blog From Tony’s Point Of View Is Perfect For Any ’13 Reasons Why’ Fan
If you're still riding the high from Netflix's original series 13 Reasons Why, we have the perfect gift for you: this bone-chilling blogspot account called "Hannah's Reasons," written from Tony's point of view.

If you’re still riding the high from Netflix’s original series 13 Reasons Why, we have the perfect gift for you: this bone-chilling blogspot account called “Hannah’s Reasons,” written from Tony’s point of view.
But this blog isn’t anything new — in fact, the first post was published in November of 2008, not long after Jay Asher’s young adult novel came out.

The blog included YouTube videos of “Tony” playing Hannah’s tapes for the world to hear, with Hannah’s haunting voice asking us, “Why would a dead girl lie?”
It also includes a recording of Hannah’s original poem in the book, called Soul Alone, which was changed in the Netflix series.
The blog includes pages of Ryan’s magazine (in which he published Hannah’s poem without her permission), an obscure photo of Justin and Bryce and suicide prevention tips aimed at Mr. Porter.

It even included the police report about the car accident caused by the stop sign Jenny (whose name is Sherri in the TV series) knocked over.

It all got a little too real when the character roleplaying began — like when “Jenny” left this comment on the police report photo.

In fact, the whole thing was so realistic that people actually started thinking 13 Reasons Why was based off a true story.

Whether you’re a fan of the book or the Netflix series, it’s worth checking out. But be warned — it’s not for the faint of heart.