Wait For The Guy Who Loves You For You
Wait for the guy who actually respects you, who pays attention to you, who isn't just leading you on with no intention of sticking around once you fall.
Becca Martin

Wait for the guy who tells all his friends he gets to take you out and who is proud to show you off.
Wait for the guy who actually shows up when he says he will and doesn’t cancel your plans last minute.
Wait for the guy who isn’t afraid to make it known on social media that he’s with you or spending time with you because he’s actually not a fuckboy.
Wait for the guy who introduces you as his girl.
Wait for the guy who actually respects you, who pays attention to you, who isn’t just leading you on with no intention of sticking around once you fall. Wait for the guy who has good morals and respects yours, the guy who has a genuinely good heart and actually cares about yours. Wait for the guy who tells you he’s still going to be there in the morning and actually means it.
Wait for the guy who randomly shows up with chocolates when you tell him you don’t feel good.
Wait for the guy who holds the door open for you and smacks your butt as you walk on by.
Wait for the guy who isn’t afraid to laugh so hard he cries in front of you and is perfectly comfortable telling the most embarrassing jokes.
Wait for the guy who brags about you because he thinks you’re so awesome and you’ve made his world that much better.
Wait for the guy who loves you for you because no one else is worth your time.
Don’t hand your heart to the guy who is constantly canceling plans. Don’t fall for the guy who will never be there to help you up when you get lost in him. Don’t chase after the guy who will never be there to congratulate you on anything. Don’t cry yourself to sleep waiting for the guy who will never call because he didn’t think not showing up would be a ‘big deal.’
There will be a guy out there for you who puts those types of guys to shame. There will be a guy who is incredibly proud to show you off, there will be a guy who proves how much he loves you, there will be a guy who never stands you up, there will be a guy who loves you the way you love him and someone who treats you as well as you treat him.
Don’t keep giving pieces of your heart to the guys who don’t want it because there will be someone out there who has been waiting for you for a very long time. There will be someone who doesn’t try to change you or control you. There will be someone who doesn’t manipulate you and make you feel worthless. There will be someone who cares about your feelings and makes you his first priority so until that time comes stop giving your heart to people who don’t care about you.
Instead, wait for the guy who knows the little things are what means the most.
Wait for the guy who is proud to be by your side, who shows you off, who always speaks highly of your achievement, who pushes you to do better and who compliments you in the best ways.
Wait for the guy who wants to be a better man because of your love.
Wait for the guy who will love you entirely like you love him.
Wait for the guy who has your best intentions at heart.
Wait for the guy who makes you look forward to spending the rest of your life together with him, the type of person you feel like everything will be okay because they’re by your side.
Wait for the guy who will love you for you, without any hesitations because that’s the kind of love you deserve.