When You Are Weak, I Will Be Strong
I will help you through the nights when you're drowning in your thoughts and no matter how much you try you just can't shut off the voices in your head. I will remind you that those voices aren't real and that you're so much stronger than they make you feel.
Becca Martin

When the world feels dark and you feel alone, I’ll be there for you. When your tears fill your eyes and you start to break down, I’ll be there for you. When you want to give up and things get hard, I’ll be there for you.
When you are weak, I will be strong for you.
You don’t have to go through anything alone because I will be there. I will be there when things get messy and nothing makes sense to you. I will be there when your heart gets broken and you can’t even bear the thought of putting it back together. I will be there to talk shit with you and comfort you in any way I know how. I will be there by your side to go out when you need a release and I’ll be by your side when you can’t get yourself to move off the couch. I’ll be there by your side every moment you need me, and even some that you don’t.
I will be there through all the highs and all the lows of your life because life isn’t meant to be lived alone – that’s what friends are for.
You don’t have to be strong all the time. It’s okay to feel weak, it’s okay to break down and cry when things get hard, it’s okay to feel sad because none of that stuff really makes you weak – it makes you human.
You are so tough and so brave, but it’s okay to let your guard down sometimes and feel what’s going on in your heart. It’s okay to express your emotions. It’s okay to let someone else be strong for you for once.
I will help you through the challenging times – I will push you to do better, I will push you to keep going when you want to give up. I will help you through the lonely times – I will remind you that you’re never truly alone no matter how much you’ve convinced yourself you are. I will help you through the nights when you’re drowning in your thoughts and no matter how much you try you just can’t shut off the voices in your head. I will remind you that those voices aren’t real and that you’re so much stronger than they make you feel. I will remind you that you’re going to get through this part of your life because you will, and I will be there helping you through all of it.
This is my promise to you – that I will never leave you to fight your own battles by yourself. I promise to be there when things are bad, when things are inconvenient, when we’re frustrating the hell out of each other because that’s when it really matters. I promise I will be there through all the bumps in the road. And I promise to always be strong when you are weak.
I will stand there hugging you with smiles on our faces during the highs and sit there hugging you with tears in our eyes during the lows. I will pick you up when you can’t find your strength. I will support you when you feel lost. I will be the light you need to see ahead to better days.
You don’t have to go through all the hard times on your own and you shouldn’t have to either because it’s a long trip alone and everyone deserves someone there to help them through.
I will be that person for you.
I promise.