These Are The Kind Of People You Need In Your Life
You need the kind of people who you can talk about the complicated parts of your life with. The kind of people who won't judge you, the kind of people who will listen to you and hold you when you're crying because you can't make sense of what's going on.
Becca Martin
You need the kind of people who are there for you in the morning when you’re too hungover to get out of bed and help take care of you, not just the people who are willing to pregame with you when you know where the party is. The ones you don’t have to feel embarrassed and ashamed in front of when you’re intoxicated because they know you better than you know yourself.
You need the kind of people who push you when you want to quit. The kind of people who know how bad you want something and know how crushed you are things didn’t go your way. But instead of allowing you to quit they push you to do better and try harder because they know how much you’d regret just giving up and walking away from your dreams.
You need the kind of people who you can talk about the complicated parts of your life with. The kind of people who won’t judge you, the kind of people who will listen to you and hold you when you’re crying because you can’t make sense of what’s going on. The kind of people you can rely on, no matter how near or far they are from you.
You need the kind of people who inspire you to do better. The kind of people who you can eat fast food with and go to the gym with. The kind of people who balance you out but always support your dreams. The kind of people who make you want to be a better person and feel like you’re able to do anything with their support.
You need the kind of people who love you for you, the kind of people who are always there for you because you’re always there for them.
Everyone needs someone to lean on in life when things get complicated and the world feels dark. You need someone to talk you off the ledge you’re on, someone to reassure you everything is going to be okay when you feel like the world is crumbling down on you, someone to believe in you when you don’t believe in yourself.
It’s easy to feel alone in the world, to feel misunderstood and used. It’s easy to feel like you don’t belong and like you’re struggling out on your own but the truth is you’re never truly alone in your feelings. There is always someone else out there who feels the way you do and there’s always someone who wants to help you through it.
You have to find the people who make you feel less alone, the people who actually might not understand what you’re going through but try their best to put themselves in your shoes and see what you’re seeing. The people who don’t give you a bullshit answer when you ask a question that you’re looking for a comforting answer to.
You need the kind of people who will tell you when your life is in shambles because of your own decisions. You need the kind of people who tell you when you’re in need of a reality check. You need the kind of people who tell you when you need to walk away from your relationship because it’s no longer serving you. You need people who will tell you the honest truth, not to be spiteful but because they care about you. You need people who will give you the tough love you need to hear sometimes in order to move forward to a better place.
You need the kind of people who have your best interest at heart because those are the kind of people who are worth fighting for, those are the kind of people we all need in our lives. The kind of people you can count on when everything goes dark, when your heart breaks and you feel like you’ve hit rock bottom. Those are the people who matter, not the ones who are only there when things are good, not the ones who are only there when things are convenient for them.
You need the kind of people who you can count on day in and day out, and you need to be that person for back for them.