Everything I Forgot To Thank My Best Friends For
Thank you for being there for me through the good times and the bad times, thank you for staying true to me no matter what the situation is. Thank you for going out of your way for me, especially when it's inconvenient.
Becca Martin

Thank you for loving me when I couldn’t even love myself, when I hated who I was and who I’ve become. Thank you for loving me regardless of the way I saw myself because that wasn’t ever the way you saw me. Thank you for being my pep talks when I was feeling lower than low.
Thank you for always including me and making me feel like I belong. Thank you for enjoying my company and appreciating me.
Thank you for loving me when I’m sad or angry or upset. I try to be happy around you but the good thing about being best friends is that I don’t have to pretend, I don’t have to cover everything up and tell you I’m okay when I’m not.
Thank you for being there when I cry, thank you for talking me through hard times, thank you for being there when I feel confused and need a little direction.
Thank you for loving me when we’re out having fun. Thank you for taking that extra shot with me and dancing. Thank you for making bad decisions with me because the stories are always worth it after. Thank you for spending the whole next day with me hungover on the couch doing nothing but laughing.
Thank you for always being part of my best memories.
Thank you for always being there when we’re apart. Thank you for still texting me to make sure I’m doing alright or telling me you miss me. Thank you for always loving me the same when I return, even if we started to lose contact.
Thank you for being there no matter what because friends like you are hard to come by but I’m sure glad I’ve been able to enjoy all these years with you.
Thank you for loving me when I do something stupid. Thank you for loving me when I completely embarrass you and myself. Thank you for loving me when I get lost in some stupid guy. Thank you for making time for me and thank you for trying to understand me.
Thank you for supporting me and always telling me I can accomplish my dreams. Thank you for being honest with me even when I didn’t want to hear it. Thank you for pushing me in the right direction even if that meant you weren’t going to be coming with me.
Thank you for allowing me to share the things closest to my heart with you and for never judging me. Thank you for always turning my mood around when I’m feeling down. Thank you for being selfless and helping me in ways I could never truly repay you for.
Thank you for being there for me through the good times and the bad times, thank you for staying true to me no matter what the situation is. Thank you for going out of your way for me, especially when it’s inconvenient.
Thank you for telling me when an outfit looks bad and (usually) not screenshotting my ugly snaps. Thank you for being willing to get ice cream with me late at night and allowing me to be who I am without changing me.
Thank you for being who you are because if I didn’t have you then I certainly wouldn’t be who I am today.