You Deserve Someone Who Gives A Shit About You
You deserve to be a "yes" instead of a "maybe." You deserve to be a priority instead of an option. You deserve to be happy and you deserve to be put first in someone's life.
Becca Martin

Life is hard and it’s undeniably harder when you’ve got no one there to support you.
It’s hard to be happy when you’re struggling and you need a hand to hold. It’s hard when nothing goes your way and no one is there to support you. It’s hard when you try to put your heart out there but it keeps getting tossed around and broken.
You deserve someone who gives a shit about you so stop putting your heart into the palms of whoever reaches out. There’s nothing wrong with giving chances, but there is something wrong with convincing yourself that they deserve another chance after they’ve already proven to you who they are.
Being alone can suck, but it isn’t the end of the world. If someone proves to you that they don’t give a shit about you then believe them. Believe their actions over their words. Be strong enough to walk away.
You deserve someone who gives a shit about you, someone who truly cares how your day is going and what made you happy today. You deserve someone who will pull the car up to you in the rain. You deserve someone who will do little things for you and makes you feel important.
You deserve someone who does all this stuff regularly, not after they mess up.
You deserve someone who doesn’t forget to call you. You deserve someone who makes you feel loved, someone who you know cares about you and someone who doesn’t make you worry.
You deserve someone who knows your flaws and still finds them beautiful because they are smart enough to realize your flaws are part of you. Every imperfect piece of you makes you the person they love.
You deserve someone who shows up when they promised and isn’t just all talk. You deserve someone who means what they say. You deserve someone who is really there for you.
It doesn’t matter what you’ve done in the past, how many times you might have messed up, how many times you’ve had your heart broken – you deserve someone who gives a shit.
You deserve someone who is there for you when shit hits the fan. You deserve someone to pull you up when you’re feeling low. You deserve to be loved by someone that inspires you to be your best self.
You deserve someone who helps you look forward to tomorrow, to the next week and to the rest of your life.
You deserve to be a “yes” instead of a “maybe.” You deserve to be a priority instead of an option. You deserve to be happy and you deserve to be put first in someone’s life.
You deserve someone who makes you smile just because.
You deserve someone who makes you feel important.
You deserve someone who feels like home.
But until that day comes don’t stop living for you, don’t forget you’re important on your own and that you matter. Don’t keep finding yourself in shitty relationships because you’re looking for someone to complete you because you’re whole on your own and you’re strong. You don’t need someone to fill in the broken cracks of your heart. Work on filling them in on your own and then one day when you meet the right person they will fit perfectly into your life.
You deserve someone who gives a shit about you, so don’t waste anymore time on people who don’t.