Anggie / Lightstock

13 Men On The One Major Thing That Attracted Them To Their Current Girlfriend

“Her laugh. I heard her laugh and I knew I wanted to hear that for the rest of my life.”


Anggie / Lightstock
Anggie / Lightstock

1. “The way she carried herself, so full of confidence and life. She didn’t put on an act to impress anyone, she just was happy to live for herself. It drew me in.” – Brandon, 25

2. “Her laugh. I heard her laugh and I knew I wanted to hear that for the rest of my life.” – Kev, 30

3. “I actually met my dream girl at an animal shelter, weirdly enough. She was cleaning kennels and showed me to the dog I wanted to see. The way she talked about the dog I could feel the passion inside her and the way she laughed was just beautiful. I knew she had a good heart and I was right. Going to get a dog from her shelter was the best thing I’ve ever done because it led me to her.” – Lucas, 28

4. “Her outlook on life attracted me. We were with a group of mutual friends and I listened to her talk and instantly knew I wanted to know more.” – Mark, 27

5. “If I’m being honest, it was her ass that drew me in haha, but her personality that made me stay and love her.” – Cam, 24

6. “That she didn’t want me at first, I’d just hit on her and she’d shrug it off. It almost became like a little flirting game between us. She’s very independent and she made it known she didn’t need me, but she eventually wanted me and I’m so happy the way it turned out with us.” – Ray, 31

7. “Her insanely sarcastic sense of humor got me and it still gets me to this day. She can take it and give it right back even harder, she’s incredible.” – Tyler, 28

8. “Everything about her, I really can’t narrow it. I saw her and knew I needed her in my life. It was instant for me, even though it took her a little longer to warm up.” – Sammy, 23

9. “Her sense for adventure stole my heart. I met her backpacking in a hostel and since that day I knew I never wanted to go anywhere without her again and I rarely have.” – Will, 24

10. “Funny story actually, but in college we were both drunk at a bar. I thought she looked hot so I hit on her and we ended up going home together. That basically started the relationship because she turned out to be the coolest girl.” – Dan, 25

11. “I have to go with her smile. I watched her when she was with her friends talking at the bar and I wanted to go over and see if I could make her smile myself, I did and I won her over.” – Liam, 32

12. “Her work ethic actually got me. I’d always go to her work and she just had such a positive spirit and she really got everyone in a good mood, it was cool to watch and everyone loved her. I’d just have causal conversation with her, but I decided to ask her to dinner and she’s absolutely amazing.” – Phil, 29

13. “Her sense of humor was amazing, she is easily the funniest chick I’ve ever met and I couldn’t help but laugh every time I was around her. I’m lucky she decided to date me, that girls a legend.” – Eddy, 27 Thought Catalog Logo Mark