14 People Admit Why They ‘Ghosted’ When Things Seemed ‘Too Good To Be True’

Thought Catalog
Thought Catalog

1. “Simply because if it seems too good to be true it probably is. The sincerity of our forming relationship scared me, so I left. She was a great girl and I’m sure I hurt her, but I’m a coward and I should have stayed instead of running at the first sign of something real, but now it’s too late.” – Tom, 24

2. “We met on Tinder and I never intended for things to get serious with him. Things were great, the first couple dates were fun and filled with laughs, but he wanted more than I did so I just stopped talking to him after our last date.” – Jackie, 23

3. “I just couldn’t find the words to tell her I wanted to see someone else. Things were really good, but I just couldn’t see a future with her.” – Tyler, 26

4. “He was so sweet and fun, but he wasn’t someone I could imagine dating long-term. He was more like a high school boyfriend who still found joy in doing stupid things, it was fun at first, but I realized I wanted someone with goals and he didn’t have any.” – Fiona, 24

5. “We were having so much fun together, but then he just stopped wanting to do anything. After our first few dates he just wanted to stay home and watch movies. I could start to tell he wasn’t actually as outgoing and fun as he tried to appear to me. I knew it wasn’t going to work at that moment.” – Vicky, 26

6. “She turned into a bitch real quick. She was so nice on the first date and through messaging, but then the second date she was extremely rude to the waitress and I noticed she started to point out other peoples flaws. Just not the kind of girl I thought she was at first. I wanted to give her an explanation, but I just figured it’d be better this way.” – Jared, 28

7. “Things were really good with this chick. We were hanging out for a couple months, but they just went way to fast and I know I’m partially to blame, but after a couple months I realized a relationship wasn’t what I wanted. I just slowly stopped talking to her because I couldn’t tell her I stopped having feelings for her. It was a shitty move, I know that, but I didn’t have the heart to tell her I wasn’t in to her anymore.” – Rob, 27

8. “We talked a while over Tinder, I really liked him (as much as you can over messaging, I guess). But after meeting him I was really turned off, he was a smoker and just couldn’t make conversation. He texted me after I left and asked to hangout again, but I just didn’t respond to any of his messages or Snapchats. I think he finally got the hint I was no longer interested.” – Carly, 22

9. “Things were REALLY good before we slept together. I liked him a lot, but then we had sex and I was so turned off I just couldn’t see him anymore. I just stopped talking to him because I couldn’t tell him I stopped being attracted to him because of how bad he was in bed, but that really was the reason. No way I could put myself through that more than once.” – Lily, 29

10. “I thought I was actually falling for this girl, things were really good for a few weeks, but even after just a few weeks she gave me an ultimatum of dating or not. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to date her and she seemed like she might be showing a bit of crazy, so I just stopped talking to her. I guess even without telling her I didn’t want to date her she got the message.” – Brad, 25

11. “I thought I really liked her until she gave me a blowjob and used her teeth. I’d rather fall off the face of the earth than let her put her teeth on my dick again. There was no way I was contacting her again after that.” – Stan, 27

12. “I was actually considering dating the last guy I ghosted, but after a month or so of talking he started becoming controlling. He started telling me who he did and didn’t like me hanging out with after a MONTH. I knew this was never going to work out, so I just bailed.” – Kristen, 23

13. “She started clinging to me like a magnet after the first date. We went out for dinner and a movie, the next thing I know she was blowing up my phone telling me how she likes me so much. She was just overbearing and a stage five clinger. I figured there was no easy to way to ditch this chick so maybe if I stopped answering her she would get the hint.” – Liam, 26

14. “I ghosted him because I found out he was talking to other girls behind my back. I know we weren’t exclusive, but seriously dude? I don’t deserve to be played and he definitely deserved to be ghosted.” – Morgan, 21 Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Becca Martin

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