You Might Not Be Enough For Him, But You’re Enough For Someone Else

Kelvin Quarles
Kelvin Quarles

He’s the one that keeps you up at night, rolling around in your bed, clinging to your pillow wishing it were him. He’s the one you get all knocked-kneed over and make a fool of yourself in front of because you just want him to like you, or even notice you the way you notice him. He’s the one you go out of your way for and spend extra long perfecting your hair for, even though you’re not sure if he even notices.

The harsh truth is, he might never notice. He might never think of you at night, even when he’s feeling lonely. He might not think twice about your kind gestures and he might think your goofy, awkward laugh isn’t cute.

But who cares?

The guy you have to basically throw yourself at isn’t the kind of guy you want to be with. You don’t want to have to fight for his attention; you don’t want to have to make a fool of yourself for someone to notice you because while you’re noticing him he might be noticing someone else.

You don’t want to be someone’s second choice, if you’re even that. You deserve more than that. You deserve someone to love you unconditionally, someone to put you first and someone to be standing in your corner no matter what.

To him you might not be tall enough, or maybe you’re too tall. You might be too thick or too skinny, you might not have the right hair color or be ‘too pale.’ The thing is though, someone else will love all those things about you, they will love you for who you are. Every little flaw you find in yourself they will love and cherish.

Because really, you don’t want to be with someone you have to convince to love you because you can’t force love.

Even if that guy doesn’t love you, someone else will because you will find the other half of your soul. Someone will love you for you, they will love you for all the weird, quirky things you do when you don’t think anyone is watching. They will love you for those things because they think it’s adorable and cute. They will love you for being wholly and unapologetically you.

They will love you when you when you’re sick and miserable because they care about every part of you. They will love you when you’re crying over your favorite show because something heart breaking happened. They will love you when you’ve just achieved your dream job because they are so proud of you.

They will want to be by your side the entire time because no matter what, you are enough for them.

You will no longer linger in the maybe section, you will no longer wonder if the guy on your mind is also thinking of you because he won’t make you wonder. You will become his everything, he will put you first and he will make it known.

When the right guy comes around you won’t have to wonder if you matter because you will know. You will be someone’s everything and you will be enough for them, just the way you are. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Becca Martin

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