17 People Reveal The Surprising Reasons Being Single Doesn’t Have To Suck

Being single means you still have so much ahead of you, so many opportunities and possibilities that people in relationships might not have. Being single is still the beginning of all your “firsts” with someone and gives you something to look forward too in the future, but for the time being it means you have the opportunity for your life to take you anywhere, freely.

Mike Monaghan
Mike Monaghan

1. “The best part of being single is my independence. I don’t think I could live without it. It honestly makes me happy how I can make myself the happiest I’ve ever been.” – Maria, 25


2. “Not feeling guilty thinking of another girl while beating off.” – Joe, 26


3. “Being able to devote time to myself. I’ve been on dates here and there, but none of them grew into something more and that’s okay. When the opportunity presents itself for a relationship I will be ready, but for now I’m happy with where I’m at.” – Amanda, 20


4. “Best part of being single is being able to do your own thing without having someone bitch at you about it.” – Jason, 24


5. “You don’t have to shave that often or share your food.” – Melissa, 23


6. “You can be free from having to explain what you are doing every minute of the day. You can be flirty with other people and not have to feel guilty about it. You can just find yourself without having anyone influence you because there’s no stress about another person and their life.” – Kayla, 21


7. “You have the freedom to go anywhere in the world and do anything you want without the worry of someone else’s plan.” – Cam, 26


8. “Having more money from not buying someone else dinner, movies or gifts during the holidays.” – Dave, 22


9. “The best part would be listening to my friends in relationships complain about their relationships. I never have to answer to a boyfriend or worry about their approval. I have nothing holding me down. I can do whatever I want and be as independent as I want.” – Dana, 23


10. “Probably hearing all my friends say how they think people are so hot but they can’t go for them because they are in a relationship. I have all the time in the world and can be with whoever I want to be with and just have fun.” – Brooke, 21


11. “I never have to worry about entertaining anyone. I can always focus on myself and be happy. I just want to live life right now without any regrets.” – Emily, 23


12. “Not having to worry about someone else. I can focus on myself more, on my personal goals and dreams.” – Hunter, 25


13. “You don’t have to pretend to like his shitty friends and laugh at their jokes that are the furthest thing from funny.” – Brittany, 23


14. “I don’t feel like I’m stuck or settling, which is honestly the best part. I hear some of my friends talk about how they don’t know if they’d ever want to marry their boyfriends, even after being with them for so long. I don’t get why their still dating, I’m just glad I can be happy on my own.” – Kylie, 24


15. “Being able to do whatever YOU want. Not having to maybe do something you’re not crazy about to make your significant other happy.” – John, 26


16. “Not having to do a significant others laundry or clean up after them when they make a mess. I don’t get why it’s so hard for some guy to clean up after themselves.” – Martha, 22


17. “When you’re in a relationship you want to naturally fit with your partner and aren’t always exactly being yourself whether you realize it or not. But when you’re single you just are who you are, you aren’t subconsciously thinking or trying to be someone you’re not.” – Zac, 22 Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Becca Martin

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