17 People On Why They Wouldn’t Trade Their Relationship For The World

Love is finding home in someone, it’s putting the other person first. It’s when their happiness becomes your happiness and so much more. Love has a different meaning to every relationship because no two loves are the same. It’s when commitment is no longer something you dread, but a privilege. It’s loving someone for every flawed piece of them and it’s tackling the world together, as one. Relationships aren’t always easy, but they’re worth it.

Mike Monaghan
Mike Monaghan

1. “The best part of being in a relationship is being in love because it’s the best feeling there is.” – Andy, 22


2. “Always knowing you have someone there for you.” – Sam, 25


3. “Waking up every morning knowing the person you love is sleeping by your side.” – Morgan, 27


4. “Always having someone to get eat with.” – Haleigh, 21


5. “Having an automatic best friend. You get to be loved, laugh a lot and be serious when you need to be.” – Parker, 24


6. “I would say always having a best friend to do stuff with.” – Casey, 21


7. “The best part of being in a relationship is that I’m dating my best friend. I can just be myself and be goofy all the time. I can talk to him about anything and everything; he’s also my biggest supporter. When I’m stressed it always seems like he knows exactly what to say, and 9 out of 10 times it works.” – Lauren, 20


8. “Always having someone to come home and cuddle with.” – Jake, 25


9. “Not having to care about what you look like and always having someone to listen to you.” – Kelly, 22


10. “I know it’s cliché, but I would say being able to have your best friend be the person you’re in love with and knowing that no matter what you have someone that loves you and puts you first, and knows you do the same for them.” – Jamie, 24


11. “Love is unconditional and it’s like you have your own little world with that person. It’s just yours and it’s priceless. You have a connection and a relationship with that person that’s unmatchable.” – Shaylee, 23


12. “Having someone to enjoy all the awesome shit that goes on in each other’s lives with, and having someone to brighten your day when there’s some not so awesome shit going on.” – Mike, 26


13. “Knowing you have someone’s full support in whatever you do and a confidence boost when you need it.” – Harley, 23


14. “Having someone to drag on adventures with you, whether it’s an awesome road trip or a stupid family party, they’re always there with you.” – Carly, 24


15. “The best part is having someone to confide in that genuinely cares about how you’re doing after long days and knowing you’re the one who makes them happy.” – Alex, 27


16. “You don’t feel so alone because you always have someone there for you to talk to and to motivate you. You want to push harder to make sure she is happy because you love her and want the best for her.” – Mitch, 22


17. “Always having someone who has your back. Even if you’re wrong and they let you know it, you still someone who says, “I’ll still stand for you when you can’t.” – Grace, 24 Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Becca Martin

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