21 People On The Most Disgusting Thing They Have Ever Done (And How Long They Waited To Shower After)

istockphoto.com / Yuri_Arcurs
istockphoto.com / Yuri_Arcurs

Humans are rather disgusting, hence why we all need a good clean up from time to time. Clean out your closet, your inbox, your social life and whatever else is on your list; but don’t forget about yourself and your personal hygiene. That should defs come first.


1. “It would have to be showering on a Thursday night while having sex multiple times throughout the weekend and not showering again until Monday morning. Oops. The sex was good though.” – Liz, 22


2. “I went to training at Fort Knox. They dropped us in the woods for a week to do small-scale operations. We ran around with close to 40 pounds on our backs and couldn’t bathe. I’ve never appreciated a shower more than when they dropped us back off at the barracks.” – Danielle, 24


3. “I played with colors on the occasion of Holi in India and waited 6 hours drenched in water and colors for a hot shower.” –Carl, 27

4. “I don’t always shower when I should, but I’ve watched my roommate go to bed with mud coating his leg from diving in flag football, not to mention all the sweat, and not even thinking twice about showering before bed.” – Pablo, 23


5. “In the summer my friends and I had a bet to see who could go the longest without showering because we’re the worst. I went a whole week, because while being the worst I am also the best.” – Bri, 23


6. “I went to a concert in July for 4 days, where I was drunk and sweaty basically the whole time. I pooped in the same port-a-potty as thousands of people and didn’t shower until the 5th day when I got home. It was absolutely disgusting.” – Bob, 25


7. “I had sex with two different guys within 20 minutes. I had to work a double shift that next day so I ended up showering two days after the sexcapade. Whoops.” – Mel, 24


8. “Wore the same undies for a whole week without showering because I didn’t have clean ones and was too lazy to do laundry.” – Kylie, 22


9. “Swam in a nasty lake you can’t even see an inch of your body in and didn’t shower until three days later. I’m surprised I didn’t get a disease.” – Casey, 21


10. “I sweated my ass off at practice and didn’t shower until after the following days practice. I smelt awful.” – Marley, 20


11. “I’ve chased piglets around a pigpen filled with pig piss and shit (needless to say this pen hasn’t been cleaned out in a month) in flip flops. I washed my feet off and called it good enough then showered the next day. It was nasty, but it had to be done.” – Rachel, 20


12. “Fell asleep puking on the kitchen floor into a trash can. At some point I also shit myself so I woke up lying in piles of vomit and feces. I showered when I regained consciousness. Not my proudest moment.” – Ron, 24


13. “It was down pouring rain and I went through an obstacle course that left me covered from head to toe in mud and I didn’t shower till hours later that night.” – Riley, 22


14. “I was taking a cross country road trip in the summer via car with broken AC, so I sweat my ass off in the heat in the car and didn’t end up showering for 13 days.” – Charley, 27


15. “I did ass to mouth while having sex and waited 3 days to shower. It was filthy on every level.” – Kavanagh, 23


16. “I had really dirty sex, like I actually felt like I was in a porno after it, and didn’t shower for over 24 hours.” – Jill, 26


17. “I was staying with my friends in a camper, we had been outside all day, hiking around and having fires, so naturally I was covered in mud and smelt like smoke. I had sex that night and didn’t shower for at least two days after when we got home, so I walked around smelling like mud, smoke and sex.” – Eden, 25


18. “After knee surgery when I was high as hell on morphine, I peed myself. My Dad refused to help clean me up; I couldn’t shower for a week. Thanks, Dad.” – Kara, 22


19. “I shit myself while wearing a white thong, which turned brown, and I didn’t shower till the next night. I just threw it in a bag in the garbage and let it sit there overnight.” – Hunter, 24


20. “Threw up in my hair when I was blacked out and passed out in it. I woke up to the smell of vomit and drool, it was disgusting. I stumbled to the shower in the morning and felt like I was washing my sins away.” – Bella, 22


21. “Hadn’t taken a shit in over 3 days so I took a bunch of laxatives. They finally caught up to me on a 6-hour car ride where I had explosive diarrhea because the driver couldn’t pull over in time. We were in such a hurry to get there that I took my pants off and we kept going. Cleaned up when we got there but was so exhausted by the trip I went to bed and showered the next morning.” – Katie, 22 Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Becca Martin

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