6 Big Boob Problems

Sometimes with great power comes great responsibility. HA. But really having big boobs does have its trying times and things that are made a bit difficult..such as..
1. Exercise in many forms.
Running, friggin forget it. I’d need like two sports bras, some safety pins, and a roll of Duct tape if I wanted to tame them down to a normal level. I took an aerobics class once, the kind at a gym filled with mirrors at every angle- nightmare. Jumping jacks kind of lose their luster when you are holding your own boobs down while doing them.
2. “Blouses”.
You know the button all the way up shirts. My mother told me once I needed to wear a blouse- like shirt to a funeral. I made her witness me try one on. Yeah, unless you want me blinding someone when these buttons bust off into someone’s eye, we are going to need to seek alternatives.
Clothes in general are hit or miss. Either you are rocking that outfit with some good cleavage OR you have to buy a shirt that would otherwise be two sizes too big just to squeeze them in there without looking like a prostitute.
3. Unwanted attention.
Yes, the girls can work like kryptonite when desired, but the problem is it is NOT always desired. If they are out there you are going to look, I get it. LOOKING however, doesn’t constitute outright staring. HELLO I CAN SEE YOU! Creeps.
4. Stupid-ass “body” comments.
Skinny bitches and douchebag guys sometimes will equate big boobs to weight. While I am sure this is the case at times, I will outright slap you if you try to tell me Scarlett Johansson or Sofia Vergara are too “heavy” for you. Some people just have big boobs.. don’t go throwing out the “fat” word because God didn’t bless you with the goods. Boobs, like people come in all shapes (awk) and sizes and they don’t necessarily correlate to the size of the rest of you. Stop hating on people.
5. Cute bras stop at a certain size.
This is a modern day tragedy of sorts. I refuse to wear any old lady-esque under garments, it is against my 23-year-old beliefs.
6. Cleavage at times is just unavoidable.
Sometimes you have to look a bit more profesh and I don’t want to have to wear turtlenecks (ever) and scarves ALL the time, thank you very much.
At the end of the day, complaints aside, I wouldn’t shrink my big boobs for smaller ones. I am a woman, I am not particularly upset to be built like one. I realize some men are into the thin women or women with small boobs. To each his own, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, blah blah blah. HOWEVER, the men I would like to date would be interested in women who well..look like women (or in my case..look like me?) I also, don’t honestly know if there is a correlation between cleavage and getting out of tickets..but all I do know is I have been pulled over eight times, and haven’t got a ticket. Ha. just kidding (but really though 8 times, knock on wood.) Truly, boobs are good all around, most guys are just happy they are there regardless of the size.