This Is What God Wants You To Learn From Seasons Of Waiting
Kinga Cichewicz

To My Best Friend—Thank You For Always Being There To Catch Me

You have never failed me. In fact, you have always led by example of the type of woman I aim to be.


We all have that one person that we can bear our soul to. Who’s there without question every single time. When shit hits the fan, they stand there with open arms waiting for you to run into them. They never let you down and they never could. They know you to your inner core and know what you’re thinking before you even know it. They’re there for every breakup, hookup, tear, smile, mental breakdown, birthday, etc. They love you like no one ever has. They’re there to catch you every time you begin to fall. They catch you because you’re fragile and the thought of breaking is earth-shattering to them.

They become your safety net. The one good decision you’ve made your entire life. In a life full of bad choices, they were the one thing you did right. This friendship is the definition of unconditional love. They love you to the depth of your soul and know what you’re going to do before you even do it. They are the prime example of the greater things in life.

To my person and best friend who has always been there,

I love you. Every time I begin to spiral or look as if I’m getting ready to crash and burn, you’re there. You never have to question my intentions because you know what they are before I even do. I never have to question your loyalty because it is always true.

Every time there’s a new guy in my life, you never fail. You’re there to let me know that I like him a little more than I even know I do and when he’s just not good enough. You hold me to a higher standard than I do for myself most days and I love you for that. You believe in me in a way that is both scary because I don’t want to disappoint, but also inspiring because it makes me believe that I am better than what I’m proving.

You were there for every relationship and expressed to me that I’m mean to them. When I lost interest in them, you were there to show me how to do it right. When I got my heart broken and thought screwing their best friend was the next move, you were there to tell me no. When I didn’t believe in myself, you were there to believe in me for the both of us. When I was just having a meh day, you were there to hype me up. When I was feeling down because of a current situation with a guy, you were there to tell me I deserved the world and I shouldn’t take anything less.

You have never failed me. In fact, you have always led by example of the type of woman I aim to be. You have raised the bar for the type of people I want to surround myself with on a daily basis and very few can meet that standard. You are the voice inside my head constantly telling me to keep pushing forward. You’re the voice constantly telling me that there’s nothing at all wrong with me. They’re the problem and I’m perfect in every which way.

In a world that is scary, I know I can walk each day because I have you and I’m not alone. It’s words that never go unsaid because we are one. It’s never having to solidify plans because we already know each other are there to the very end. You are the Meredith to my Christina. You are the Monica to my Rachel. You are the Blair to my Serena. You are the P. Sawyer to my B. Davis. You are my ride or die and you always will be.

Thank you for being the best part of me. Thought Catalog Logo Mark