Real Love Is A Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity

I firmly believe that we only ever fall in love once.


I firmly believe that we only ever fall in love once. I’m not talking about the person you thought you loved in high school but broke up with three months later. I mean someone who makes you feel like no night could ever be dark enough to dim the light you two have.

This person makes you feel like you could talk to them forever, and although they’re honest and give advice, they never judge you, because they know who you really are. They kiss you on the forehead every chance they get and pull you in for the biggest hug in the moments you need them most.

They love to laugh with you. They love holding you when the world isn’t fair. They love you despite your flaws because they care about you so deeply and you can see it in their smile, hear it in their laugh, and feel it through their lips when they kiss you gently.

This type of love isn’t the type that you get lucky enough to experience two or three times. This is a once in a lifetime phenomenon, something we all can only hope to find sooner rather than later.

This type of love never lets you feel alone or sad or afraid because there is so much security and happiness in knowing you have someone who will love you forever, even when things get bad or tough.

This person allows you to be vulnerable without allowing you to feel fear. They allow you to grow and inspire you to be more than you think is possible. Not everyone around you will understand what you mean when you say, “This is real love.”

Love like this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Do whatever you can to never let it go. Thought Catalog Logo Mark