10 Songs That Will Make Any Fan Of ‘The O.C.’ Instantly Nostalgic

Back in the day, I started watching The O.C. for two reasons: 1) My mom thought it looked like a cool show that we could watch together and have a weekly thing to bond over and 2) The boy who sat across from me in class that I had a HUGE, GIGANTIC, HEART-SUCKING crush on was obsessed with it. And soon, I was too. As an adult, I decided to re-watch the series and confirm yes, I still love it just as much. To all other fans out there, I dare you to listen these songs and not instantly miss the gang and wish you were hanging with them at the Crab Shack. You know, fictional characters or not…

The OC
The OC

1. Phantom Planet – “California”

Okay, you know I had to start at the beginning. CALIFORNIAAAA, HERE WE COOOoooOOOooOOOOME!!! Welcome to the OC, ya bishhhh.

2. Alexi Murdoch – “Orange Sky”


I used to listen to this song on my iPod mini (retro) and cry my eyes out because I thought it was so damn beautiful.

3. Matt Pond PA – “Champagne Supernova”

One of the most iconic moments in The OC’s history. Summer and Seth finally reconcile with the epic Spiderman kiss.

4. The Killers – “Smile Like You Mean It”

Am I the only one insanely jealous that they didn’t grow up hanging out at The Bait Shop?

5. Nada Surf – “If You Leave”

“Confidence, Cohen.”

6. Patrick Park – “Something Pretty”

The folksy song playing during another classic Seth/Summer scene. The romantic and charmingly awkward “acknowledge me now or lose me forever” moment. *sigh*

7. Bell XI – “Eve, The Apple Of My Eye”

Another song I would listen to and sob. Listen guys, I just had a lot of feelings…

8. Jem – “Maybe I’m Amazed”

Julie and Caleb’s wedding. For a celebration, it’s pretty damn depressing.

9. Jeff Buckley – “Hallelujah”

UGH. Ryan going back to Chino. Seth abandoning Summer and his family, and sailing away. Kirsten crying. And then they slap this song on top of it all?! TOO. MANY. EMOTIONS.

10. Imogen Heap – “Hide And Seek”

Well, you know.

*BONUS VIDEO* – the hilarious SNL short parodying the season 2 finale when Marissa goes all ‘Annie Get Your Gun.’ Mmm, whatcha saaaayyyyy

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About the author

Ari Eastman

✨ real(ly not) chill. poet. writer. mental health activist. mama shark. ✨

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