11 Limiting Beliefs That Are Keeping You From Being Happy

11 Limiting Beliefs That Are Keeping You From Being Happy

“Happiness isn’t an external state of being you need to find, it’s an inseparable part of who you truly are. To be happy, choose happiness.” – Antasha Durbin

Your beliefs impact every facet of your life, from the thoughts you think to the feelings you feel to the actions you do or don’t take. When you believe you’re powerful and capable, the world becomes a masterpiece of your making. In contrast, when you believe you’re limited, and life is unfair, the world becomes a scary, fearful place where every day is a challenge.

Today I want you to take an inventory of your beliefsAre your beliefs uplifting or defeating? Do they empower you or disempower you? Do they leave you feeling good or bad? 

If your system of beliefs are defeating, disempowering, or leave you feeling bad, then they are limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are a self-fulfilling prophecy that keep you trapped in a state of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual lack. That’s why recognizing them and releasing them is so important—so you don’t unconsciously keep yourself stuck!

Here are 11 limiting beliefs you need to give up to free yourself and be happy:

1. “I can’t do…”

As Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” And Ford was right. Because when you tell yourself you can’t do something, fear-based thoughts and emotions flood your body and prevent action. You inadvertently keep yourself stuck right where you are, wishing you could change something but too afraid to try.

The moment you surrender and allow your mind to fill with reasons why you CAN do that thing you want to do, positive action can take place, and you unblock yourself so you’re able to progress forward.

2. “I’m not good enough”

The “I’m not good enough” limiting belief is typically rooted in comparisons. It happens when we are conditioned to see beauty and talent as a one-size definition and we try to squeeze ourselves into the mold of whatever “good enough” is.

Perhaps you can relate to this. Perhaps you find yourself scrolling through social media, comparing yourself to the people in your feed or the celebrities in magazines wishing you were more like them.

But you were born perfect, and it’s only your conditioned mindset that limits you and tells you that you aren’t enough. If you’re nodding your head in silent agreement, take a deep breath and say to yourself, “I am enough as I am!”. 

3. “I’ll be happy when…”

Happiness isn’t a contingency, based on some external event or achievement. If it were so superficial, being happy on a day-to-day basis wouldn’t be possible because we would always be striving for the next “thing” that would bring us happiness.

Yet many of us treat happiness as though it is a contingency, usually without realizing it. We say things like:

“I’ll be happy when it’s the weekend.”

“I’ll be happy when I have enough money.”

“I’ll be happy when I achieve [insert goal here].”

Giving up this belief that happiness is based on something outside of us allows us to tap into our true power and harness happiness as a permanent state of being based on our choice to be happy!

4.) “I’m this way because…”

The “I’m this way because…” limiting belief manifests through real-life experiences that happened to us in the past that we then carry into the present and insidiously relive every day.

And it isn’t until we become conscious of these victim-based limiting beliefs that we can work to change them.

Left unchanged, this mindset will prevent you from proactively taking action to improve the quality of your life. What’s more, you’ll constantly make excuses for why your life is the way it is, rather than taking accountability and changing it.

5.) “I’ll never be…”

“I’ll never be wealthy.”

“I’ll never be happy.”

“I’ll never be successful.”

Do you ever tell yourself statements like these, and then end up feeling bad about yourself and your life? If you answered yes, then the “I’ll never be…” limiting belief is currently holding you hostage.

To pivot, give thanks for all that you are and all that you have. Then change your negative affirmations to positive affirmations.

6. “I’m not capable of achieving…”

Sometimes we allow frustration to take over, and when this happens, we belittle ourselves and our progress. We doubt our ability to achieve our goals and bring our visions into fruition and stall ourselves in the process.

But, every cell in our bodies is full of infinite potential, and there is nothing we can’t be, do, or have. And if you’re struggling right now, and need some inspiration, read about someone who has beaten the odds or achieved the unachievable or made the impossible possible.

The only difference between those people and you is their belief in their ability to achieve what they set their minds to. Remember that.

7. “I’m too old to do…”

Each day we’re given is a blessing. And all of us have a different timeline for our physical journey. Some of us only live for a few days while others live to be centurions, so there’s no truth in being too old to do something – as long as you’re here, you have time!

Don’t worry about what someone else accomplished before you or what others are accomplishing now. Focus on yourself and what YOU can do starting today.

And if you need some inspiration, check out Baddie Winkie, an 89-year-old model who began her modeling career in 2014 at the youthful age of 84!

8. “I should have started sooner”

The “I should have started sooner” limiting belief is not only disempowering, but it’s also irrelevant. The fact is, you didn’t start sooner and that’s okay! There’s no sense in feeling guilty about it.

We all start somewhere, and there’s nothing wrong with being a beginner at something!

Keep in mind, the experts of the world were once just beginners too. That’s why no matter who you are, how old you are, or where you are in your life, the perfect time to start is right now!

9. “I have nothing to offer”

All of us are born with innate gifts and talents. Yet all too often, we compare ourselves with others and convince ourselves we have nothing to offer.

This limiting belief is not only untrue, but it’s also damaging. If you let it, it will prevent you from actioning your dreams, keep you stuck, and leave you feeling bad about yourself!

10. “I’m not skilled enough”

The “I’m not skilled enough” limiting belief is rooted in the desire to be perfect, and the lack of confidence that imperfection brings. But there’s no such thing as manmade perfection, which is why focusing on progress should be the goal.

By focusing on progress, you can continue to build your skills while still committing yourself to whatever it is you want to do with your life.

11. “I don’t know enough”

Life isn’t a linear journey where, once you reach a certain point, you have all of the information and knowledge you’ll ever need. Instead, life is full of ebbs and flows and requires us to be constant students as we navigate our physical experience.

Therefore, the excuse that you “don’t know enough” to start something is just that – an excuse. If you have an interest in something and your intuition is telling you to go for it, then do it! Trust that you’ll be guided to the knowledge and information you need to be successful at whatever that thing is.

Above all, remember, your words are powerful! The words you think, speak, and believe create your external reality. They shape your perspective about yourself and the world around you.

If you believe happiness is your birthright and you can be, do, or have anything you want, then the world will unfold in your favor. In contrast, if you believe life is a difficult struggle, then your life will be filled with fear, hardships, and challenges.

As Jesus once said, “My brother choose again.” Now the only question is: Are you ready to choose again? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Antasha Durbin

Antasha is a spiritual writer, life-long student of the universe, and psychic tarot card reader.