10 Major Things In Life You Need To Stop Taking For Granted In Your 20s

There’s no harm in slowing down and taking some time to connect with nature. 


life love the pursuit of happiness
Alagich Katya
life love the pursuit of happiness
Alagich Katya

1. Your freedom.

There is no deadline as to when you’re supposed to be meeting the one that you’re going to marry one day. Marriage is not a race. There is no reason for you to feel pressured in finding the right kind of love. Everyone has a different timeline in life. Some people choose to settle down in their early twenties, some people choose to tie the knot with their one true love in their thirties or forties or fifties, some people choose not to settle at all — and that’s perfectly okay. You have to enjoy the freedom that you have while you’re still young.

2. Your income.

It doesn’t matter if you’re getting a big or small paycheck in your twenties — what matters is how you spend it. You have to be mindful of the things that you buy, especially the ones that you don’t necessarily need. Few people become millionaires in their early thirties because they’re smart enough to save money and use it to invest in stocks or use it to start a business.

3. Your closest friends.

You will lose friends as you become older. You will outgrow the ones you used to hangout with. But the people who choose to be by your side — for better or for worse — will stay in your life until the end of time. You should never, ever, take for granted those who never leave you when you hit rock bottom. Your true friends are the ones who do not get disappointed at you when you commit a major mistake in life.

4. Your parent’s advice.

Your parents aren’t always going to be there to love you and guide you and support you in everything that you do. You will never know when you’re going to lose the ones that you love. You have to learn how to unplug and enjoy the moments that you spend with them. You have to learn how to listen to them when they’re giving you advice, because all they want is the best for you. No matter what happens to you in this world, your parents will always be there to accept you and welcome you with their open arms.

5. Your health.

There’s no doubt that when you’re young, your body can quickly heal from any kind of pain and sickness. But your body isn’t going to have the same level of strength and rigor few years from now. You need to take good care of your health and not abuse it. Getting enough sleep when you have the chance and not eating too much or too less can make a big difference in your health in the future.

6. Your unique set of skills.

Rejections and failures and burnouts are part of life. Just because someone doesn’t appreciate your work doesn’t mean that you’re not great. Continue doing what you’re good at and don’t stop improving. Your twenties is all about making your skills better and mastering your own craft. Your dreams in life have no expiration date. Do not let your bad experiences sidetrack you in getting what you want.

7. Your surroundings.

Maybe you’re too busy to stop for a moment and appreciate something beautiful in your surroundings. Maybe you’re not the type of person who would watch the sun goes down at the end of the day. But, sometimes, the best things in life are the ones that happen around us, the ones that are free, the ones that are out of our control. There’s no harm in slowing down and taking some time to connect with nature.

8. Your job.

There will be a day in your life when you will find your dream job. The kind of job that will make you feel excited to wake up in the morning. The kind of job that you will be willing to invest a lot of your time into. One day, you will be in a place where you feel like you belong. And when that time comes, you should constantly remind yourself to be grateful and to never let go of the opportunity that has been given to you.

9. Your time.

Maybe right now you think you still have a lot of time in your hands, but you’re not going to be here forever, and the truth is — you will never know when your journey here on earth will come to an end. You have to live life with no regrets and stop waiting for the right time to make a move, to say what you want, to do what your heart is telling you to do. Take each waking moment you have as an opportunity for you to make a change in your situation. You only get one chance to live in this world, so don’t hesitate to use your time to make bold choices.

10. Your energy.

Stop wasting your energy with people who drain all the positivity that you have inside of you. At some point, you have to realize that — apart from those who matter and are important to you— nobody is really entitled to your time and attention. It’s okay to be picky with the kind of people that you want to welcome in your life. You don’t have to talk to everyone and like everyone — but always remember that you have to respect them. Thought Catalog Logo Mark