Don’t Be Scared To Show The World Who You Really Are

girl in lights, happy girl, self-love, loving yourself
Landovan Houten

I can sense you’re tired. You’re emotionally exhausted of putting so much effort into fitting in, pleasing people, and participating in what everybody else is doing. You’re dead tired of looking at your closet when the sun hits the sky, pondering over what you need to wear to make you look current and trendy and worthy of people’s attention.

You’re losing your identity in the process of following the path that everyone’s heading down.

I can hear you’re beginning to question yourself about why you care so much. You’re taking a moment to stop and think of all the people that you’re constantly attempting to impress. You’re wondering if all the dedication and energy that you have invested in ensuring that everyone will like your persona is really worth it.

It feels like everything about you is thoughtfully crafted and presented to make the world believe that you have it all figured out and you barely have any struggles. Your every move is calculated and choreographed in tune with your lovable personality.

But when you’re back in the four corners of your room, you take your mask off. You throw away the clothes that gave you so much discomfort all day. You sit in your bed and you remember how you acted, how you talked, how you laughed, how you shared your opinions in front of everyone. You rest your head on your pillow and you know that whatever you told them is a lie.

Your tears slowly come and that’s when you summon up the courage to show the world the truth. It’s time for you to spit out the words that your mind is begging you to tell, to set free, to share. It’s time to only say the words that carry meaning to you, words that matter, words that can make difference.

No more pretending. No more playing safe. No more hiding your true self. Because who you are is beautiful. And there’s nothing to be ashamed of.

You don’t have to fear about opening your heart and letting the sparks fly out of your chest. You don’t have to hold yourself back from showing the world your true colors. You don’t have to entirely change your character so that people will like you. What you feel on the inside is important and you should pay attention to that more.

Don’t let visions of other people ultimately define you. Don’t be scared to say no and let your voice be heard. You are the only one who has the power to decide who you want to be, how you want to look like, what are the things that you need to change. You know exactly what’s best for you so keep doing what you think is right.

Let them see how amazing you are in your own spotlight. Let yourself bloom and transform into a unique human being that no one has ever seen before. Let your heart guide you in your journey of finding your true self.

Don’t hesitate to laugh loudly when something is really funny. Go ahead and dance to the rhythm of your own voice even if you think it sounds off-key. Jump to your feet and run around in your house when you’ve received exciting news. Speak without a pause because you’re worried that words will fall out of your tongue once you stop talking about the things that fuel the fire in your heart.

Don’t be scared to feel deeply. It’s not wrong to be a human being who has a lot of emotions. Don’t think twice about expressing yourself in any form because there’s always something wonderful that comes out of it. Your ideas and thoughts can make someone’s day better.

It’s okay to be honest with yourself. You have to value your voice and be proud of it. Your qualities are impeccable and they set you apart from everyone. You are beautiful in your own little ways, so keep being real about who you are. And let your true colors come out from within. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Angelo Caerlang

Angelo Caerlang is the author of Sparks in Broken Lights.

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